Monday, 29 November 2010
Shoe Haul
No posts over the weekend, because I've been super busy working on this video of my latest shoe hauls. Hope you like it-comment on my youtube channel! I may post the images on Pink Haired Princess at some point, as the quality is a little lost in the vid...maybe shouldn't have worn those tights with hindsight. How's the weather with you? Pretty snowy here, so not much happening.
Friday, 26 November 2010
Day Three Hundred & Forty Two - Wilma's Rainbow
My favourite art teacher used to say "if a job's worth doing once, it's worth doing properly", so with that in mind, I decided if I were to clash these shoes with some tights, I would have to properly clash them and that I did! The tartan also ties in with St Andrews Day which is coming up. It kinda works I reckon, what do you think? I had to go outside to take photos because the bright colours aren't working indoors with this lack of daylight! It was absolutely freezing for the 10 minutes I was out there! I finally found the best setting on my camera for this light just as I couldn't stand any longer, so only one decent pic! More pics to come soon on Pink Haired Princess though!
Wearing: No outfit post, pink tartan footless tights (gift)
Fit: You have to read my post on Pink Haired Princess. I bought a size up and struggle to get them on and off, but once on they feel true to size (and therefore slightly roomy).
Comfort: I didn't go anywhere in these, so can't really comment!
ankle boots
leopard print
Day Three Hundred & Forty One - Dancing In The Moonlight
Yesterday, I had to pick my most 'sensible' shoes considering I was walking alone and it had been icy earlier. I was struggling, but this is what I came up with! Apologies for the bad photos, but it was so dark by the time I got home, this is all I could salvage. I pretty much wore an all black outfit with little splashes of colour here and there (most notably my scarf) and my nail polish. It's Eyeko Punk and is bright, neon pink, it looked so cool with peep toes, although it's completely washed out in this photo, soz : (
Wearing: Black and green print dress with long sleeved top underneath (dress hangs open at the back), black modified stirrup leggings, black coat all Primark, black hat (gift) with unicorn brooch Miss Selfridge, velvet bow ring also Miss S, unicorn cameo ring Topshop, kitsch pendant ASOS, Giles Deacon For Cadbury scarf, black faux fur bag with brooch Debenhams and black long, knitted, fingerless gloves (unknown), yep you've guessed it was freezing!
Comfort: These have been known to rub at the heel before, so I was prepared with leggings that covered my heel. They didn't bother me yesterday and a very, very small heel for me!
Day Three Hundred & Forty - Kandice Love
On Wednesday I tried on these shoes, although I didn't go anywhere in them. You won't have seen them here before, because they are new-ish, bought a couple of months ago. I always say it's really difficult to buy US made shoes in the UK, when you don't know if the retailer has taken into account that a UK size 5 for example falls between a US 7 and 8. I find for this brand, I need an 8, so ordered a size up (UK6) and it turns out they sent a US9, so they are too large for me! The shop I bought from didn't have a smaller size anyway, so it couldn't be helped and they're just so cute I don't want to sell them (plus it's really hard to find HL shoes here)! As they're so heavy it's difficult to keep them on my feet when walking, so I'll need insoles and heel grips I think, anything to make them fit!
Wearing: No outfit post, tights are Miss Selfridge, brand new on and I stuck my thumb through the top and ripped them! Fabulous!
Fit: Obviously this style was bought too large, but I'd guess they run true to size. Staggering 6" cork heel and 1 3/4" platform.
Comfort: I can't comment considering I've never worn them anywhere yet! Your calves will ache with this heel height though.
harajuku lovers
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Day Three Hundred & Thirty Nine - What About Now?
I'm baaaack! So sorry for the absence, can you believe it's been nearly a month? I decided today to venture out for a wee walk-brrrr, it's really winter now, freezing! I haven't been out of the house since a week past Thursday so I got a shock! I'm not really wanting to convert to entirely 'winter weather' shoes already though, because it's likely to last until March and I'll get bored wearing the same things!
Fit: True to size, 4" wedge heel.
Comfort: They are a little 'rigid' but they actually don't rub or feel uncomfortable.
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Day Three Hundred & Thirty Eight - Oops A Daisy
I feel like a big, fat banana today! My skin is a mess, my hair needs cut and coloured, I wasn't digging today's outfit, but I'm fed up of pulling cute dresses out of my wardrobe then finding they don't fit. I've never worn this dress before, as nice as it is, I just don't feel good in it and I was being super lazy when deciding which shoes to pair with it. I can't remember if I caught up with last weeks posts either? I'll have to go back and check.
Wearing: White and yellow floral dress with cut out heart detail F&F at Tesco, black leggings, long sleeved black top worn underneath.
Comfort: No issues with these.
Monday, 25 October 2010
Day Three Hundred & Thirty Seven - Snake Charmer
I'm still playing catch up with the posts. This pair I'm currently selling on eBay to make room for more pairs! I just got these leggings from Topshop today and I'm super excited about them. Not quite sure how I'll style them...
Wearing: No outfit post.
Fit: True to size, back zip opening, 4 3/4" heel.
Comfort: No problems with these.
Sunday, 24 October 2010
Day Three Hundred Thirty Six - What's New Pussycat?
I also sold these boots last week. I gave myself a really hard time deciding whether or not to. The turquoise is and always has been my favourite of all the colours of the miaow boots. I also own the black and for some reason they are much softer and fit better than the turquoise, so I decided they had to go. I secretly hoped they wouldn't sell, although I knew they were popular so that was unlikely. I just hope their new owner will love and wear them lots!
Wearing: No outfit post.
Fit: A little too small, doubtful if I would need a full size up though. Heel 3 1/4".
Comfort: They did rub a little at the heel because they are slightly too small.
ankle boots
irregular choice
Day Three Hundred & Thirty Five - Itsy Bitsy
Unfortunately I had to sell these shoes last week, because they don't fit properly. Mega cute though aren't they?
Wearing: No outfit post.
Fit: A little tight across the foot, ok in length though. I'm going to re-order a size up and hope they fit better. 4 1/2" heel.
Comfort: Obviously not comfortable due to the sizing issue, but I'm sure otherwise, they'll be fine.
irregular choice
peep toes
Day Three Hundred & Thirty Four - Spray Paint
Sorry for the pause in posting-I took so many fabulous pics of these shoes on Thursday that I couldn't decide which image to use. I'll put the others up on my facebook page next week.
Fit: True to size, 5 1/2" heel and 1 1/2" platform.
Comfort: I love feeling all enclosed in these shoes and they are very comfortable, although one shoe rubbed my heel unfortunately.
Wednesday, 20 October 2010
Day Three Hundred & Thirty Three - Grey Area
It looked so beautiful outside today that I had to be reminded it is almost winter. That reminder came, whenever I stepped out the door-it's freezing! I've been so sleepy today that I really could've just stayed indoors, but quickly threw on this outfit and went for a walk. That's 3 days out of 3 so far!!
Fit: True to size, 5 1/2" heel and 1 1/2" double layer platform.
Comfort: Takes a little while to fasten all 6 of the buckles, but no problems with these. The platform really helps with the heel height, because although you feel very much taller, you don't teeter on the skinny heels.
Tuesday, 19 October 2010
Day Three Hundred & Thirty Two - Face It
Mum and I had lunch out today-as I'm trying to get out more and do a little walking too. It's school holidays here, so it was rather busy and tonnes of kids seemed to find my hair more interesting than their meals. This one girl pestered her Mum until she looked then asked 'how did that happen?' and a little boy told his sister it was a wig-cheeky, cheeky! Anyway it was a fabulous chance to wear my incredible new wedges, hot or what?
Comfort: They feel a little odd, your foot is hardly held in at the back, perhaps they would feel more secure when worn with the removable ankle strap.
Monday, 18 October 2010
Day Three Hundred & Thirty One - Welcome Back!
I feel like I've forgotten what I'm doing, as it's been so long without posting! I've cleared a little corner of my room and got the camera all fired up, so I'm raring to go again! I have honestly missed it, I hope you have too! It's nice to see many of you have still been looking through the archives in my absence. I've bought loads of new shoes lately that I'm really keen to wear, so it should be quite interesting for you to see them. I've also had several pairs I've had to return due to sizing issues, which is really starting to annoy me-can the shoe world not decide on a standard size and stick with it?!! Anyway, I had a clear-out of some pairs this weekend on eBay and this pair sold, so it's goodbye to them.
Wearing: I got all dressed up to go out and it rained today, so no outfit : (
Fit: True to size, 4 1/4" heel.
Comfort: Super comfy, no problems with these.
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Day Three Hundred & Thirty - Kooky Cute
Have a lot to get through on the blogs next week, so going to have my super concentration/hard working cap on and get all the photos, reviews and things I've been meaning to do for weeks, done! Really liking todays outfit!
Comfort: Super comfy.
Day Three Hundred & Twenty Nine - Saturday 25th Sept
And here are Saturdays shoes. The reason for the sudden resurgence of Irregular Choice is simply because I can now access my IC shoe closet which has been hidden behind box loads of crap lately!
Wearing: No outfit post.
Fit: Run a little small, 4 1/2" heel.
Comfort: Not the comfiest considering they are quite small, tend to numb your feet after an hour or so!
Day Three Hundred & Twenty Eight - Friday 24th Sept
Like I said, posts may be a little sporadic right now, but I'll get there in the end! This is Fridays shoes...I'm a little disappointed with how these turn out in photos. I wanted to get a better image than last time I wore them, but failed! They are so adorable in real life, really sexy. I must put a pedicure on my to do list for this week, the nail polish is slowly working it's way off my toes!
Wearing: No outfit post.
Fit: True to size, 4 1/2" heel.
Comfort: Slingbacks can often be uncomfortable, but these are pretty amazing, they don't dig in, the slingback just sits in the perfect position at the back of your heel and there's a little elasticated bit inside which keeps them on whilst walking. Really comfortable considering the height of the heel too.
leopard print
lotus hallmark
peep toes
Friday, 24 September 2010
Day Three Hundred & Twenty Seven - Good Gossip
I'm a day behind, so here's what I wore yesterday for a trip to the hygienist. It was quite funny because on the bus journey home, I was aware of the old lady sitting opposite me staring at me and more particularly my shoes (she wasn't being indiscreet). As I got off the bus, I could tell she was talking about me to the only other person on the bus. Little did they know though, that as I got off, my Mum got on-hee hee. The two old dears spent the rest of the bus journey (a good 10-15 minutes) discussing me and my Mum heard the whole thing. They were saying 'did you see the height of her shoes? It's ridiculous...gone are the days I could wear a heel-although those shoes were terribly high'. They continued 'I've seen her around the town, she just had her stick with her today-she was walking-I don't know how in those shoes! So high! Sometimes she's pushed in a wheelchair.' Hello ladies, that would be by my Mum who's sitting right beside you!!! How can they see me and not her? Oh well, at least they didn't say anything nasty (my Mum was about to step in if they did anyway!)-I'm glad I'm amusement for some people.

Fit: A teensy bit small (or just difficult to get your foot into), 4 1/2" heel and 1 3/4" platform.
Comfort: Easy to walk in (old ladies take note), relatively comfy-although quite 'hard'.
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Day Three Hundred & Twenty Six - Burnin' Up
An image of a never before seen pair on TSGD today-my new orange platforms. I was always quite keen on this shade, but it sold out quickly at the time. I already own the star print and blue suede pairs, but finally snagged this shade. The colour was slightly different than I expected, a deep, burnt gold orange. I just wish they fit better...
Wearing: No outfit post today-the tights are House of Holland though.
Fit: I knew to order a size up as the vamp comes too far up the foot in my opinion but it's still very tight (even with the bigger size), length is probably true to size though. 5" heel and 1 1/4" double platform.
Comfort: Gah I hope these stretch a little-I don't remember my other pairs being quite so tight. Easy to walk in.
Day Three Hundred & Twenty Five - Yesterday
I apologise for being awol this past week. There's lots going on at home just now and posts may be a little sporadic. I forced myself to go out of the house yesterday on the search for two 30th birthday pressies. I didn't have any luck, so I'm going to see what I can find on the internet today.

Fit: I find cortesan styles run small so bought these a size up, they're probably a little bit big, half sizes would be perfect! 4 1/2" heel.
Comfort: The heel doesn't feel as large as it is until you take your shoes off at the end of the day! I find them comfortable when wearing though and easy to walk in.
Thursday, 16 September 2010
Day Three Hundred & Twenty Four - Small Town Girl
I completely forgot to measure the heel on these shoes for you today...I'll update the info tomorrow. It's a shame I don't wear these more, but they are just so tight that your feet cramp up after 10 minutes!
Wearing: No outfit post again-I really must sort myself out and get properly dressed!
Fit: The cortesan style generally runs small. Just under 4 1/2" heel.
Comfort: These hurt like hell because they are too small, I'm not going to lie!
irregular choice
leopard print
Wednesday, 15 September 2010
Day Three Hundred & Twenty Three - Swan Song
Another never before seen pair today! And another disappointment for me. I already own the black and white zig zag version of these-my 'oldest' readers may recall I wore them way back on Day 7. I think they are just a tiny bit too small for me, so I ordered this pair in a 39. They arrived yesterday and are actually a 40 inside a 39 box, so now I have to go to the bother of returning them. I'm actually not that pleased with them anyway, they absolutely stink! I'm not sure if it's the print of the paisley fabric or the robot fabric inside, but it's really strong and even after twice washing my hands, I can still smell it on them.
Wearing: We've eventually caved and put the heating on, yep it's now officially winter! I've been wearing these thick, fluffy socks to keep my feet from turning blue and decided I wouldn't even take them off for these images, sexy huh?!
Fit: Obviously this pair are too large for me, but I reckon a half size up from my normal size would fit perfectly. A very small 3" heel for me!!
Comfort: Can't really comment as my old pair are quite small and these too large.
ankle boots
irregular choice
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Day Three Hundred & Twenty Two - Swallow Miu?
Yep today it's yet another never before seen style. This design is just glorious and it's easy to see why we all fell head over heels for the spring Miu Miu shoes. The pale pink satin is a lovely shade combined with the contrasting black swallows. The jewelled section and chunky platform and heel just finish it off. Somehow all these aspects shouldn't work together, yet they do. I'm selling this pair and two other colours/prints on ebay if you are interested.
Wearing: No outfit post today.
Fit: Run a little large, 5" heel.
Comfort: No problems with these.
Day Three Hundred & Twenty One - Still In Love
Now for yesterdays shoes and wait for it, these are never before seen on TSGD! I ordered two new pairs of IC's last week and was so disappointed when this pair didn't fit. They are really tight, I can just get my foot in, but it's painful! It was kind of to be expected...they are similar in shape to my 'Dance The Night Away' and I had to take a bigger size in them. Oddly though my Prom Princess fit and they are my regular size-just the woes of Irregular Choice sizing unfortunately. This was the only pair they had left in any size, so I can't even order a size up. I've been wanting these shoes all season and I seem doomed when it comes to rosette styles in this fabric (remember the farce with the Schuh pair months ago?) I'm selling these on ebay if you are interested, I thought it was easier than sending them back.
Wearing: No outfit post today.
Fit: You'll probably need to order a size larger than usual. Amazing wooden layered wedge heel approx. 4 1/2"
Comfort: I can't really comment considering I took them off straight after these images and they don't fit properly!
irregular choice
peep toes
Day Three Hundred & Twenty - Sunday 12th Sept
My adorable little nephew turns 2 today, so on Sunday we went through to my sisters house and had a little party. I changed my outfit about a million times beforehand and finally decided practical was the best option. OK, so practical in my world consists of a maxi dress and designer wedges, but I'm thinking easy to wash dress, comfortable to wear and no sinking heels in the garden-seems better than the pure silk dress I considered! I'll put the rest of the images of these gorgeous shoes on my facebook page later today.
Fit: True to size, 1 1/4" platform and 5 1/2" heel.
Comfort: Very comfortable.
Day Three Hundred & Nineteen - Saturday 11th Sept
I gave you last Thursday and Fridays shoes, so here is Saturday. I love these shoes. I remember being really pissed when Irregular Choice didn't release them. Then months later I managed to track them down. I was so pleased with them, the colours are lovely and the style features a demi wedge heel which is really unusual. However last year on the shoe challenge, I realised I just didn't love them as much as I thought-it's not helped by the fact that they are very unphotogenic. I like the shoe, I'm just not sure I like it on me. I've decided to sell them...I may regret it, but hey ho, what's done is done.
Fit: True to size, heel just over 3 1/2"
Comfort: No problems with these.
Day Three Hundred & Eighteen - Wednesday 8th Sept
I'm not selling these shoes, but to be honest I should be, because yet again I don't wear them enough and they aren't the most comfortable pair I own. I think I keep them though because of the unusual colours (I don't have any shoes that mix bright green and yellow together) and I do like them.
Fit: True to size, 4 1/4" curved heel.
Comfort: Quite a 'hard shoe', so feet can ache after a while.
irregular choice
Day Three Hundred & Seventeen - Tuesday 7th Sept
Another pair that I'm selling on ebay. I'm trying to be very ruthless because there just literally isn't any more room for shoes in my bedroom, it's overflowing! Of course every time I get rid of a pile, I seem to have a buying surge and replace them all! I'm waiting on a pair of Irregular Choice boots being delivered today actually (there really is no hope for me!).
Fit: Run a little small. 4 1/4" heel and small platform.
Comfort: If they were a half size larger they would be much more comfortable.
Day Three Hundred & Sixteen - Monday 6th Sept
Ok, I'm about to attempt the huge backlog of posts that I never managed last week. Sorry! There's no outfit posts with most of them, because I didn't go anywhere. I'm currently selling these lovely sandals on ebay...unfortunately they just don't get worn enough.
Fit: True to size (if anything they run a little big), 4 1/4" heel.
Comfort: Very comfortable.
Saturday, 11 September 2010
Day Three Hundred & Fifteen - Gotta Go
I'm going to try and catch up with the posts I missed during the week although I'm busy preparing for yet more ebay auctions. These shoes are from yesterday-another pair I'm selling. Tomorrow, I'm going to be relisting those that I didn't sell last time along with the gorgeous Miu Miu look-a-likes that I talked about yesterday on Pink Haired Princess. I'll shortly be posting the details on PHP and if you are keen to purchase any, please email me before tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon otherwise they will be going on ebay then.
Wearing: No outfit post.
Fit: True to size, 4 1/4" heel.
Comfort: No problems with these.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Day Three Hundred & Fourteen - Structure
I had a somewhat successful shopping trip today but didn't really get anything exciting (lingerie and leggings!). I am quite excited about the two pairs of shoes I ordered online last night though...I have a sneaking suspicion that they're not going to fit though.

Fit: True to size, quite narrow at toe, 4 1/4" fabulous heel.
Comfort: Easy to walk in but I must admit that my little toes were feeling very squished by the end of the day.
marios schwab scorah pattullo
peep toes
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Sunday, 5 September 2010
Day Three Hundred & Thirteen - Change Your Spots
Another pair of shoes that I sold yesterday. I really love these, the print is fabulous (and very AW '10 btw) and I like the shape with concealed platform-unfortunately though I find them quite difficult to walk in. They are ever so slightly too big and slip off and you start doing that clenched toe thing to keep them on and that's not good for your feet! I'm sad to see them go though.
Wearing: No outfit post.
Fit: Almost 5" heel with 3/4" concealed platform. These are marked a 38, but runs slightly larger (maybe a 38.5)
Comfort: As I mentioned they are difficult to walk in, but a comfortable shoe.
concealed platform
jessica simpson
leopard print
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