Saturday, 31 October 2009
Day Seventy Four - A Little Birdy
It's actually a lovely day today, considering this week has felt like 'proper winter'. So I took advantage and wore a summery pair of shoes. They have quite a bit of black in them though, so you can get away with wearing tights with them. The swallow print on these satin shoes is absolutely gorgeous and the bow on the front is such a pretty touch.
I tried to find a link for todays shoes, but noticed that Schuh and ASOS don't carry the brand anymore, which makes me think it no longer exists? It's a shame because they made beautiful pieces. Wearing Head Over Heels bird print, pale pink, satin sandals.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Day Seventy Three - Winter Panic Over
I've written out a huge list of all the shoes in my room that I haven't yet worn on The Shoe Girl Diaries and I'm hoping the panic over what I will wear all winter is over. I have many pairs of shoes in storage, but I don't really want to have to go into that until the weather is warmer. I don't fancy raking through the cold shed with spiders in the dark! Hopefully I'll have enough pairs to last, I certainly have enough for the next couple of months anyway. I love the shoes I'm wearing today or rather that I want to wear today. One of the diamante chains is broken and isn't attached properly anymore, so it's swinging around. I have certainly worn them lots over the years, but I'm still disappointed that they are broken. Can you believe that these are supermarket shoes?
Cream sandals with hanging chains and diamante and 'opal' flower detail by Florence+Fred at Tesco.
Day Seventy Two - In Search Of Cadburys
The reason this post comes today and not yesterday is because I spent the entire day trying to get a Giles Deacon scarf! If you haven't heard the buzz; Giles designed the uber gorgeous spotty dress that the Caramel Bunny wears in the new Cadbury's Nibbles ad. He has also produced a Limited Edition scarf which was being sold in pop-up stores all over the internet. It was a race to find which shop opened, when and join the queue, hopefully bagging a scarf for free, before the doors shut and the store moved elsewhere. Sounds like fun, however there were some technical difficulties along the way which involved me sitting glued to my computer from 10am until around 4pm before things started hotting up. Around half 5, I was the proud owner of said scarf, phew! It was a superb idea which even involved the assistants speaking to you to confirm your address and you seeing your scarf wrapped in the jiffy bag addressed to you (how cool is that?). I typed my address so quickly that my 2-name town became one and I couldn't stop laughing when the poor assistant said it all in one word, oopsy! Anyway, hopefully the scarf will still get here in one piece. It's just a shame that the game was slightly spoilt by the 6 hour wait, but winning the scarf certainly made up for it, wonderful idea Cadbury's!
Wearing lilac silk, slip on mules with wonderful brooch detail from TKMaxx. I wore these shoes to a friends wedding a few years ago, but think they will go on the 'for sale' pile as I never have the occasion to wear them nowadays.
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Day Seventy One - How Are You Feeling?
Having a little bit of a panic today about how I'm going to make it all the way through winter wearing a different pair of shoes every day. For the first time since this challenge began, I'm actively looking for a pair each day, rather than grabbing the first pair I see. Obviously 'comfort first, fashion second' doesn't usually apply to my wardrobe, but what if I run out of boots (a massive possibility) and have to wear strappy sandals in December? It's not really going to work is it? May need to re-think the challenge or at least prepare, by counting how many winter pairs I have.
Feel a little bit like a nurse today in these cream platforms. Although I'm not sure what hospital I'm visiting, where nurses wear House of Holland tights and heels this height!
Matalan cream patent shoes.
Day Seventy - It's Winter
Bought a pair of winter boots yesterday. My Mum surprised me by saying 'they are really sensible for you, good for winter'. Note the word 'surprise' because before you start thinking I bought my first flat pair with good rubber soles, these boots had a 5" heel and 1" platform. Exactly who would class them as 'good' for walking through puddles and 4" of snow, I don't know! Speaking of inappropriate footwear. I wore these cute sandals yesterday and the rain was torrential. I was soaked through and it took a good few hours before I started to dry out. My toes were also like blocks of ice, perhaps time to put away the open toes! Although on the plus side, these shoes are mega comfortable.
Be Beau by Matalan black patent and suedette platform sandals with elasticated back
Monday, 26 October 2009
Day Sixty Nine - Take A Bow
Did you see X Factor last night? Westlife were amazing and with Michael Buble they put the previous guest performers to shame. Yep, they can sing live and talk, yippee! Was disappointed to see Miss Frank go. I think they were something different and would really shine in a couple of weeks time. I'm not keen on that teacher guy and he barely sang in his song, he just let the lighting, backing vocals, band and theatrics do it for him! Not sure who gets my vote now.
Wearing gorgeous floral tights my Mum bought me in Madeira and Irregular Choice 'Take A Bow' peach and brown court shoes with plush bow.
Sunday, 25 October 2009
Day Sixty Eight - Fall Back
Did you remember to change your clocks? It's mayhem in our house as my Dad collects clocks. It's not so bad in springtime, when you can forward an hour quite easily. However you shouldn't turn clock hands anti-clockwise, so it involves rotating them forward several hours and digital clocks are a nightmare too. We must have over a hundred and I'm sure by the time Christmas comes, we'll still be finding some at the wrong time.
Blue 'Hello Sailor' peep toes by Shoemissy
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Day Sixty Seven - Wet 'n' Wild
My goodness, it's horrible outside. Windy and raining non-stop, all day. Needless to say I didn't venture out anywhere. I'm slightly worried that my feet have grown, because I struggled to fit into todays shoes. I know this style is generally small made, but they've never given me this much trouble before. I could barely get my foot in! Isn't that a shoeaholics worst nghtmare? What would you do with the hundreds of pairs that don't fit? Eeek!
Pink leopard print court with black bow by Irregular Choice
irregular choice
leopard print
Friday, 23 October 2009
Day Sixty Six - A Fish Out of Water
I feel very 'artsy' looking today! I'm wearing lacey footless tights, worn halfway down my foot and a paint splashed, wrapover, voluminous (strangely shaped) dress which is black with olive green. I decided the term 'less is more' is totally out of the window and chucked on my long multi-strand pearls too. I even put a thick black liner all over my lids then a shimmery olive eyeshadow over the top-it looks really cool. I am also wearing these gorgeous and again slightly 'odd' shoes to complete the look. I know some people loathe the split styles and others love them. Personally I'm kind of on the fence, they aren't the most comfortable things and I do have to take a bigger size in them.
Green and gold, split-toe 'Fish Out Of Water' by Irregular Choice
Green and gold, split-toe 'Fish Out Of Water' by Irregular Choice
irregular choice
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Day Sixty Five - Sparkly Season
After Christmas shopping yesterday, it put me in the mood for some season sparkle. The glitter on these mary-jane heels is very fine and perfect for daytime wear.
Gold glitter mary-janes with bow New Look
Day Sixty Four - Preparing for Christmas
I went shoppping yesterday and bought nothing! This is the second time I've done so this month. Mum and I did get an early start on some Christmas presents, although it's actually only 9 weeks to go! It was a horrible day though, cold and raining, so we didn't stay too long. I'm still trying to keep going with peep-toes and more summery shoes, although I reckon I'll be breaking out the boots soon.
Shiny snakeskin leggings New Look and Office 'Pentlow Prom' peach, patent peep toes, with hearts, fan and peep-heel detail (shame I couldn't show you all the great angles of this shoe). These shoes are actually part of the Office Vintage collection and you can definitely see that influence.
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Day Sixty Three - Metallic to a T
These shoes are nothing extraordinary, yet they are quite special to me. They have such a smooth, lovely shape and are an odd greeny-pewter shade which changes depending on the colours you team with it. They are super comfy too and my only pair of French Connection shoes, who btw, have lots of gorgeous styles this winter. It's interesting that in this image the shoe in the background looks shimmery, while the foreground doesn't. They aren't particularly shimmery in real life, so it's just my (probably not so good) picture taking skills!
Pewter t-bar, peep toe shoes by French Connection and grey, lace leggings Dorothy Perkins
Did you notice that you can now search through The Shoe Girl Diaries posts by shoe style, colour or brand? In the sidebar, just click your favourite i.e. 'platforms' or 'irregular choice' and you'll find all the corresponding posts. It seems 'bows' and 'peep toes' have featured the most over the past 60+ days!
Did you notice that you can now search through The Shoe Girl Diaries posts by shoe style, colour or brand? In the sidebar, just click your favourite i.e. 'platforms' or 'irregular choice' and you'll find all the corresponding posts. It seems 'bows' and 'peep toes' have featured the most over the past 60+ days!
french connection
peep toes
Monday, 19 October 2009
Day Sixty Two - How Hard Can It Be?
Did you see X Factor last night? You wouldn't think it an impossible task to get a celebrity on the show that can sing well (and live) and string a coherent sentence together, would you? However it's proving very difficult. Last week we had Robbie Williams with his staring, druggy eyes and desperate attempts to make us like him, then this week Whitney Houston bursts the back of her dress (it was far too small for her) and she was seriously struggling to make any sense when she spoke. Either the drugs have rotted her brain or she's not as 'clean' as she'd like us to think. That aside, she has the most perfect complexion I've ever seen, not a blemish or line; hardly a good advert for staying away from drugs is it? Anyway, Westlife, I'm counting on you to raise the tone next week!
Grey suede, peep toe boots with metallic heel Miss Selfridge
miss selfridge
peep toes
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Day Sixty One - A Special Pair
I find it hard to pick a favourite pair of shoes from my collection. However if I were to choose several pairs, these would definitely be in that group. For me, the heel isn't even that high, but it's beautifully shaped and chunky, the patent leather is so soft and has a wet-look to it. The oversized bow placed on the peep-toe is the icing on the cake and I also love the criss-cross strapping. These shoes are unbelievably comfortable and seem to hug around your feet. You just can't help but stare at them. A stranger once stopped me and told me they were 'F*** me shoes'!
Red patent bow peep toe shoes by Bronx
(You can buy Bronx footwear from Barratts, Schuh and Dorothy Perkins).
(You can buy Bronx footwear from Barratts, Schuh and Dorothy Perkins).
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Day Sixty - Ain't No Stoppin'
Wow, 'Day Sixty' and I'm showing no signs of slowing down yet! I do hope you are enjoying this blog. Please leave comments below each post or email me at with your views. After waiting 2 months for Blogger to reinstate my Pink Haired Princess blog, I think the time has come to start up a new one. I'll of course let you know when it is up and running. Thanks for your continued support.
Pink perspex, studded bow sandals by Irregular Choice
irregular choice
Friday, 16 October 2009
Day Fifty Nine - Princess For A Day
I absolutely adore the shoes today. Totally, unashamedly girly with huge bows, pastel shades, a floral print and gravity defying heel, what more could I ask for? Eagle eyed readers will spot that these shoes were the first ever 'Shoe Of The Week (SOTW)' on my Pink Haired Princess blog. Gorgeous!
Pale blue 'Prom Princess' shoes by Irregular Choice
irregular choice
Thursday, 15 October 2009
Day Fifty Eight - Pucci Please?
A bit of a miserable day today, so I figured I would wear a pair of ultra-happy shoes. They have to be the least photogenic pair so far though! I really struggled to get a good pic, I think it's because they are so shiny. They feature a cute little zip-up back which is covered with a huge, double bow closure and you can just spot the silver heel!
Purple, blue and aqua printed satin bow back sandals by ASOS
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Day Fifty Seven - Spot The Fake
Yesterday in the local paper there was a story about a Birkin bag by Hermes being handed into a charity shop (among many other 'good' items) from an unknown donator. The bag was brand new and when they realised how much they retail for, they put a price of £350 on it (it had previously been priced at £150 and had been sitting instore, unsold, for 4 weeks). The charity were hoping that the bag would start a bidding war and make them lots of money. Now, two things ran through my head when my Mum read the story, firstly 'how can they tell it isn't a fake?' and 'how can they tell it's unused and brand new?', then I looked at the picture. It's handles were wrapped in plastic! Plastic! Eeek, that's why they knew it was unused and that's how I knew it was a big ol' fake. To make matters worse, todays paper reported that they have since sold the bag for a 4 figure sum. They again printed a (bigger) picture and although it's a nice enough bag, it's clearly not authentic. It's stiff, looks like it's made from any old croc-effect patent plastic and still has the ghastly plastic covered handles. I feel terrible and what about the lady that donated it? She must know the truth and will be too mortified to tell them.
Anyway speaking of fakes. Do you recognise these shoes? You may remember my J-Lo grey winged 'Kata' shoes a few weeks back. These are by Zoe Footwear (?) and although there are several obvious differences (not to mention the quality), their 'inspiration' is clear. Of course I don't mind fakes and replicas (hello! studded Primark/Gucci sandals ring a bell?) as long as I know that's what I'm buying and it's not being illegally passed off as a luxury brand. I'd really like to go into this in more detail when I get my Pink Haired Princess blog back as it's uncanny the amount of brazen faced 'businesses' out there selling fake Louboutin heels and Chanel bags. Not to mention that most of the profits from such companies are reportedly funding illegal operations. Beware buyers!
Electric blue winged peep-toes Zoe Footwear.
Anyway speaking of fakes. Do you recognise these shoes? You may remember my J-Lo grey winged 'Kata' shoes a few weeks back. These are by Zoe Footwear (?) and although there are several obvious differences (not to mention the quality), their 'inspiration' is clear. Of course I don't mind fakes and replicas (hello! studded Primark/Gucci sandals ring a bell?) as long as I know that's what I'm buying and it's not being illegally passed off as a luxury brand. I'd really like to go into this in more detail when I get my Pink Haired Princess blog back as it's uncanny the amount of brazen faced 'businesses' out there selling fake Louboutin heels and Chanel bags. Not to mention that most of the profits from such companies are reportedly funding illegal operations. Beware buyers!
peep toes
zoe footwear
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Day Fifty Six - It's Red Under
I totally have 'sleepyitus' today. I can't seem to shake it off, I feel like I'm going to fall asleep any moment! So this is my last picture from the archives today-I must make more of an effort now to take the image and upload each day. It's another pair that I feel I must sell, but can't quite give up. They are ASOS's version of the YSL Tributes, complete with red sole, two designers in one! I'm not really showing off the shoe very well in this image, but the backwards view is an interesting angle.
Black patent peep-toes with cream heel and red sole ASOS
Monday, 12 October 2009
Day Fifty Five - Purple Pumps
Todays shoes remind me of proper dancing pumps for Scottish Country Dancing, except for the huge heel and purple snake/suede effect of course! Love the big tassel on the end of each tie.
Purple snake, peep-toe boots Matalan
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Day Fifty Four - Mine's A Triple
Wowza, check out my multi-layered platform today! The heel is ginormous and pretty skinny, so I was walking very carefully. I don't think the angle of the image quite captures just how high they are, I'm sure the heel must be almost 6". They are from the 'Be Beau' range at Matalan, who have just started doing shoes (how exciting). I'm pretty disappointed to see this style is now half price when I haven't had the opportunity to wear my (full-price) pair yet. Although buying them for £18 is still a major bargain in my eyes. Anyway I love the triple buckle feature and contrasting taupe sections.
Triple-strap platform sandals Be Beau at Matalan
Friday, 9 October 2009
Day Fifty Three - A Leopard Never Changes...
I bought these shoes when 'concealed platforms' were becoming all the rage a few years back. I was besotted with them and eventually bought them for a good price from eBay. However, I've never worn them. I have never found the perfect outfit to show them off. They are a very 'brown' leopard print and I don't think they'd look right with black and I don't own any plain brown/nudes/neutral clothes. I'm considering selling them, but it's a hard decision as I can still feel the love I felt for them when I first saw them!
'Sherbet' leopard-print ponyskin court shoes with red suede heel and bow, Topshop
concealed platform
leopard print
Thursday, 8 October 2009
Day Fifty Two - Frilling
There's something exciting and slightly naughty about wading through piles of crisp, autumn leaves wearing bright orange Louboutin-esque shoes! There's no doubt that you feel fabulous the moment you put these shoes on. Seeing that I already own this style in all 4 shades (orange, black, purple and raspberry), it's no surprise that I'm hugely looking forward to the snakeskin version that are coming soon. Will my life be complete after that? Well, I'd love a glossy nude pair, pastel shades like lilac, powder blue, pink, maybe teal or gold for holiday season....
Orange ruffle front shoes Matalan
Wednesday, 7 October 2009
Day Fifty One - Get Your Bow On
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Day Fifty - Lets Go Retro
Wow, can you believe it's Day 50 already? I've actually managed to wear a different pair of shoes every day without accidentally doubling up. I must admit, I am finding it harder to remember which pairs I have or haven't worn, especially after my (undocumented) hiatus, where I cheated a little. On that note, I'm really missing blogging for Pink Haired Princess. I'm considering moving away from Blogger altogether as I hate the lack of personal assistance. All I want is someone to say 'yes, we are working on your blog and it should be fixed in 'x' days'. It's been 2 months and I hate not knowing if I'll ever get it back.
I'm also a little sad that I didn't get a better image of todays shoes (I was in a rush). They are really special in real life and very retro looking. I'm digging out the peep-toes to wear as much as I can before the colder weather sets in.
Green peep-toes with cut away sides, cone heel and plastic bow Schuh
I'm also a little sad that I didn't get a better image of todays shoes (I was in a rush). They are really special in real life and very retro looking. I'm digging out the peep-toes to wear as much as I can before the colder weather sets in.
Monday, 5 October 2009
Day Forty Nine - Ooh Naughty!
My sis was very excited at picking up the Boots Christmas Catalogue today. You know I'll be sitting tonight 'starring' items I'd really like Santa to bring me! Got these fabulous purple tights in Primark last week for 50p!!!Fabby.
Black 'French Maid' peep-toe shoes by Shoemissy
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Day Forty Eight - Star Spotting
Last night saw the spectacular fireworks display during the Dunhill dinner (from our house though it sounded like we were being bombed-and during The X Factor too-how rude!). Mum and Dad always like to go with their buddies, not just to see the display, but who's attending. They spotted the usuals, actor Kyle MacLachlan (his hair is V long according to Mum, while her friend was thinking 'Craig MacLachlan'!), Hugh Grant with Ronan Keating (both very popular and posed for the paps together, Ro was the entertainment for the evening along with Huey Lewis). Sportsmen Ian Botham, Steve Redgrave, Bobby Charlton, Ruud Gullit, Alan Hansen (soooooo tall), Tim Henman (got a big cheer), Shane Warne, Jamie Redknapp ('absolutely gorgeous'). Also Don Felder (The Eagles) and Tico Torres (Bon Jovi), plus a whole load of unknowns that my Mum took pics off 'just incase they were famous'! She was extremely disappointed that she didn't see Aidan Quinn. He was supposed to be playing in the postponed game from yesterday, today-but wasn't at that either, so I reckon he must have had to go home.
One mystery guest that had my Mum all in a tizz though (other than Jamie R) was this guy (above). Who is he? We very much like 'mystery man' and his lovely eyes!! His partner also got my award for best dressed (although there wasn't much competition). She wore a long red gown but her accessories were super cool, bronze knotted peep-toes, oversized brown clutch with fine gold chain strap and a super chunky 'wowza' jewelled bangle. Anyway if someone can identify my new crush, please let me know (or perhaps he's really a minger but took a good photo!).
Polka dot court shoes with bow Matalan and House of Holland tights.

Saturday, 3 October 2009
Day Forty Seven - When The Stars Didn't Shine
So my Mum and sister were looking forward to spending the day with the lovely Ronan Keating and Aidan Quinn, but it wasn't to be. Why would they be mixing with a Hollywood actor and boyband singer you may ask? Well, every year a host of celebs invade our wee town to play golf in the Dunhill Cup. My Mum adores Aidan (added bonus that he's in our fave show ever 'Third Watch') and both love Ronan-so they were going to follow them around the course for the day (it just so happened both stars were playing together, perfect!). Unfortunately the wind really picked up last night (gale force!) and it was postponed at the last minute. Mum is going on holiday tomorrow, so she's really disappointed that she's missed them, but my sister will go (as she does every year) to watch.
I'm really in two minds about the shoes today. They feature this gorgeous little Blythe image, a polished wood wedge heel and even have the word 'Blythe' stitched around the back. However the platform wedge makes my foot very flat and I can't really walk in flat shoes, I like having height, so I'm thinking about selling them. They are so special and unique though that I'm having second thoughts. However I must admit that I haven't found the perfect outfit for them yet (hence why they've gone unworn) and doubt I will, so I think my mind is made up.
Copper Blythe 'Chini' dimple toe shoes by Irregular Choice
I'm really in two minds about the shoes today. They feature this gorgeous little Blythe image, a polished wood wedge heel and even have the word 'Blythe' stitched around the back. However the platform wedge makes my foot very flat and I can't really walk in flat shoes, I like having height, so I'm thinking about selling them. They are so special and unique though that I'm having second thoughts. However I must admit that I haven't found the perfect outfit for them yet (hence why they've gone unworn) and doubt I will, so I think my mind is made up.
Friday, 2 October 2009
Day Forty Six - Sindy Shoes
I'm feeling very poorly and sorry for myself today. My throat hurts like mad and I'm sneezing, coughing and have a runny nose and feel even weaker than usual, welcome to winter! I'm tucked up sipping hot tea with a chunky cardi on, so no shoes today. Another archive photo and another pair of shoes that I used to love. I can remember searching all over Scotland to find these in my size a few years back. They remind me of the shoes my beloved Sindy dolls wore in the 80's, with the metallic finish and pastel shades. I even bought a clutch bag to match! Anyway I gave them to the charity shop a few weeks back and although I never wear them nowadays, I did feel a tad nostalgic and considered keeping them. For once, my 'sensible head' won (not often that happens) and off they went. Hope you all have a good weekend and keep warm!
Metallic, striped court shoes with cut-out sides, New Look
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Day Forty Five - Blast From The Past
Can you remember when these Louis Vuitton 'Balmoral' shoes were all the rage? They probably started the craze where you saw every celeb on the red-carpet wearing them (followed by the YSL Tributes, Trib 2's etc etc), they were huge. I can still picture Christina Aguilera in her red pair with the green and red satin outfit and bleached, short curls and red lipstick at the Shark Tale premiere in New York. A little iconic fashion moment in her career I thought, the start of yet another change of style. Anyway there were a gazillion high-street imitations, although they didn't come quickly enough for me. I can remember the agonizing wait, thinking 'surely someone will make a more affordable version of these?'. Once I actually bought them I didn't even wear them all that much (mainly because I was disappointed they didn't have the lace trim) and had no idea I still had them until I unearthed them last month to sell. It's funny how you can fall out of love with something!
Pale pink satin pleated court shoes with brown velvet ribbon trim by Blu
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