Monday, 31 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Thirty Three - Glow Up!
You may notice I've been pulling out the 'big guns' this past week. McQueen, Miu Miu and today my 2nd pair of Terry De Havilland. I've been 'saving' them over the past year of TSGD just incase I needed to wear them for something-I didn't want to use them up early in the game, haha! Now that I'm (tearfully) reaching the end of the challenge, I can happily wear these shoes, knowing that I won't have to be without them for too long. It's actually been really pleasant these past few weeks, because I don't have to think too much about which pair to wear, because they'll all be used up soon enough. I'm toying with the idea of keeping the blog going after I've completed the challenge, I've enjoyed it immensely and it would be a shame for it to come to an end. I have a few ideas of how I could do so, we'll have to see. Anyway these wedges looked fabulous in the sunshine today, they reflected bright aqua onto the pavement with each step-my own little glow!
Aqua 'Margaux' wedges Terry De Havilland
terry de havilland
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Thirty Two - Dazzle Me
Went out for a belated birthday lunch with an old friend today. She also hand delivered my invite to her wedding this summer. I was quite excited until I read the small print-not something The Shoe Girl wanted to hear...head over to Pink Haired Princess where I'll fill you in on the full story!
Purple reptile and black patent peep toes with swarovski adorned heels Miu Miu
Saturday, 29 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Thirty One - Gadget Girl
I'm running behind after sleeping in this morning, gah! I've also been trying to work out how to receive and send picture texts with my new mobile, because it hasn't worked so far. I think I've knackered it though, because I put the new sim in my old phone and then swapped and I haven't received the texts I was supposed to (to either phone) to set the picture message settings! I wanted to use my old sim though because I get 3p texts which is a fantabulous deal that you don't get these days, anyway, it's obvious I'm not a gadget girl isn't it? Eagle-eyed readers may notice that I also have the purple version of these shoes, which I wore way back on Day Fifty Five!
Pink faux snake and suede peep toe shoe-boot Matalan
Friday, 28 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Thirty - Buckle Up
I ended up back in bed by lunchtime yesterday, so didn't get dressed, never mind wore shoes. It's pretty chilly today although very changeable, from hail to bright sunshine. I was happy to get to wear these shoes though, I love multi-strap heels, even if they do take a little while longer to get on!
Purple croc multi strap shoes Matalan
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twenty Nine - Diamonds R 4eva!
Had a lovely belated birthday lunch out with my Mummy in a local cafe today. I took pictures of the scrummy food we ate on my camera phone, but haven't figured out how to upload them onto the computer yet! We had soup, delicious pink lemonade and I had a 'Scoopy Snack'; chocolate chip cookies with cookie dough ice-cream, chocolate sauce and cream, yum! These shoes aren't the comfiest unfortunately, the arch of my foot was aching, then the ball of my foot by the time we came home, super cool though.
Green patent, leather and suede 'Shimmy' courts with diamond shaped heel Irregular Choice
irregular choice
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twenty Eight - Minted
Lot's going on today as my Mum and Dad came back from their holidays last night and I have a weeks worth of stories to fill them in on! Also had my nephews out again today, that's been 5 days in a row and I'm shattered, they are so boisterous! Wore my lovely Pearl Lowe for Peacocks dark mint floral dress and these mint court shoes (which are slightly darker than in the photo); so pretty. I think I'm going out for lunch tomorrow with my Mum for my b'day and my friend is coming down from Aberdeen on Saturday for lunch-I think it'll be a birthday week!
Mint green courts with embroidery Alexander McQueen
alexander mcqueen
Monday, 24 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twenty Seven - Birthday Girl
Just a quick post today because it's my 30th birthday! Woohoo! I got loads of lovely things including a new pink phone that is so fancy I can't work it yet! My sister wouldn't believe that it was a real phone, she thought it was a makeup compact. It's square and shiny and perfect for applying my lippie, so I'm a happy bunny. I had my outfit planned for today then it rained a little bit and I really didn't want to ruin my shoes, so I changed into these. Hotness!
Pink 'Suck It And See' platforms Office
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twenty Six - Over The Top
Ooooh, I just took a tumble in these shoes! I didn't actually fall, I just went over on my ankle, really quickly and recovered in a second, but it felt like forever! I hope nobody saw, I don't think anyone was around, it was so embarrassing, hee hee! Perhaps it's the fact that they have a knitting needle sized heel, although I love the rubber sole, which is much needed for gripping purposes. Still pretty hot today, although not quite as bad as yesterday, thank goodness!
Black and neon sporty platforms ASOS Premium
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twenty Five - Pretty In Pink
It's too hot today...I shouldn't complain, but I'm not acclimatised to this yet! I actually won these gorgeous shoes over a year ago, they are beautiful and looked fabulous with my white dress with pink, blue and green flowers on it today. I'm having a little 30th birthday lunch tomorrow with my little sister in the house, lots of cakes, biscuits and treats! Then on Monday (my actual b'day), I'm going out with my sisters and nephews for lunch. My parents are on holiday just now, so I'll probably end up going out on Tuesday with my Mummy too when she gets back! That means lots of exciting shoes to wear!
Pink 'Bucks Fizz' peep toes Shoemissy
Day Two Hundred & Twenty Four - Bling It Up
This is yesterdays, sorry it's late. I was a bit disappointed with these shoes when I received them. However after wearing them yesterday, they really grew on me. Leopard print, sequins and a metallic bow is probably a bit much for some people but I like them!
Sequin 'Winehouse' leopard platforms with metallic gold bow Shoemissy
Thursday, 20 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twenty Three - Get Off!
I took some outdoor shots today, but it was too hot and there were too many bugs around. The photos ended up including cameos from 2 greenfly crawling on my feet and shoes! Needless to say the indoor images were far superior-plus I can contort into weird positions to the get the best shot which I can't do outdoors! I'm loving these Gucci-esque wooden platforms. Simple but stunning, another hit from Office!
Black leather and wooden 'Sight For Sore Eyes' platforms Office
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twenty Two - Look Out!
I'm back 'on it' today, after a dodgy week, sorry gang! These shoes are, if I remember correctly, the very first pair of Irregular Choice shoes that I bought. They still remain one of my favourites styles and are just so beautifully made, inside and out! I even managed to take another outdoor shot today, although I seem to have developed a knack for doing so when my street is at it's busiest! I also spend 5 minutes looking around to check nobody is watching me and therefore am probably drawing even more attention to myself! It wouldn't surprise me if I get arrested one day for loitering and acting suspiciously outside my own home, hee hee!
Leopard print Edna courts Irregular Choice
irregular choice
leopard print
Tuesday, 18 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twenty One - Onwards & Upwards
You read that's Day 221 again following yesterdays gaffe. Technically it was a shoe you had already seen, so it would be unfair to count it twice. Anyway, I plucked up the courage to take another outdoor image today, this time-out in the street-if you've never done it before, you won't realise just how conspicuous you feel! My first attempt, resulted in me running back indoors, because through the bushes I spotted a nosey neighbour, who was sure to ask 'why are you taking photos of your feet?'! I managed to get a halfway decent shot the 2nd time, albeit a little blurry in my haste. I looked like some sort of not-so-undercover spy, because it's really hot and sunny and I was wearing dark glasses, a mac and my hair is in pin curls, so I wore a scarf around my head like a turban to cover it up! Oh dear! So here's the blurry outdoor and not so blurry indoor shots!

Pink t-bar shoes ASOS Premium & black stirrup tights Primark
asos premium
concealed platform
Monday, 17 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twenty One - Oops, My Mistake!
Today I've done the unthinkable...for the first time in 220 posts, I've accidentally worn a pair of shoes twice. I had a sneaking suspicion that I'd worn them before, but then convinced myself it had just been a similar pair. I could've lied to you and photographed another pair and pretended that I hadn't made the error, but I thought I'd come I couldn't be bothered finding another pair and changing and taking photos because I am just so tired! To be honest I've been a little exhausted with the blog recently. I suppose it's understandable after so long, I just feel I'd like to wear what I want without having to search for the 'unworn pairs' and think up an outfit around them. However in saying that, there's only another 40+ pairs to wear and most of them are absolutely gorgeous, so what am I complaining about!
Navy 'Hello Sailor' peep toes Shoemissy, blue lace leggings Primark
Sunday, 16 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twenty - A Fishy Tale
I'm starting to think it's my crappy photography skills or lack of, to blame for the awful photos I'm producing, rather than the shoes themselves. Admittedly I took these shots in a hurry and probably not in the best lighting either. I'm sure you've seen these shoes over on Pink Haired Princess anyway, because I raved about them when I got them. I would like to thank Cloggs for helping me out and keeping aside a bigger pair for me when I had to return my usual size (during which all sizes sold out). There would've been tears if I'd missed out on these shoes! They went above and beyond in regards to a promotion I'd used when placing that order too, excellent customer service. I wish you could see the beautiful range of colours in these-perhaps when I just wear the courts alone, it will show up better.
Metallic Love Games with co-ordinating leg spatz Irregular Choice
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Nineteen - An Irregular Choice
Totally bonkers shoes today, haha! You can't really see all the details from every angle, but I tried to capture it as best as I could in one shot. I'll post a pic of them on Pink Haired Princess for you later. They are pale blue courts with real lace and little gems. They also have this strange section of irregular-oval shaped pink bits, which you can play around with until you get them sitting the way you'd like. It's definitely that section that make them 'Irregular Choice'!
Blue courts with lace and pink detailing Irregular Choice
irregular choice
Friday, 14 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Eighteen - Best Of Both
A horrid picture today, sorry : ( These shoes are just the most un-photogenic things, which is frustrating. I may try and take more photos tomorrow and see if I can get a better pic. Images aside, they are lovely, unusual shoes in person. They have a demi-wedge and look unique from every angle. Updated with a new image after taking around 50 photos today! It's really changed my opinion of the shoes because sadly they looked ugly in almost every shot : (
Blue and gold 'Hypolita' demi wedge Irregular Choice
Thursday, 13 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Seventeen - Squeeze In
As you may be aware I have these shoes in 4 different colours (worn here without the ruffle). However I've never worn this purple pair. I put them on today and could only suffer them for the length of time it took me to take these images. They are really small (but the other colours aren't?) - I could only slide my feet in when wearing tights, but my little tootsies were crushed. Ouch!
Purple patent multi-strap courts Matalan
concealed platform
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Sixteen - A Day Of Firsts
Tuesday, 11 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Fifteen - Rock 'n' Roll
Feeling pretty rotten, just one of of those days really! Plus any minute now we will have a new PM, a smarmy toff that doesn't live in the 'real world', great! These are the third pair of shoes I tried on for going shopping today. The first pair didn't feel comfy, the 2nd (my poodle boots) wouldn't go on my feet (hello, I just wore them a couple of days ago!), so I ended up with these; very pretty, but my feet were frozen (it's like winter today). Crappy photo, but it was taken after a long day and my feet were like ice!
Yellow Rocko heels by Irregular Choice
irregular choice
Monday, 10 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Fourteen - Cheeky Charmer
Can you believe it actually snowed here this morning? It was only a light shower, but still, snow in May? I really like these metallic boots, but do have some faults with them. The toe area is very flat and really squishes your big toes when you walk. I also wish the charms didn't face downwards, because they are so cute and you can't really see what each one is until you look closely and it's a shame that the little doll is the last charm in the inside of the boot, because she's my favourite and she gets hidden.
Pink metallic Cheeky Charm ankle boot Irregular Choice
ankle boots
irregular choice
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Thirteen - Starlet
I haven't seen my nephews for a few weeks and they came around this morning, so cute! One has grown and the other appears to have shrunk, he'll always be my little baby : ) I'm now running half a day behind though, I only got properly dressed half an hour ago! Lovely sunny day, so wearing a bright floral sundress, pink sunglasses and these pretty peep toes.
Black 'Starlet' peep toes with rosette Shoemissy
Saturday, 8 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Twelve - The Big Kat
Sorry guys, I totally thought I'd already posted today, oopsy! The next part of TSGD interview is up on Pink Haired Princess, pop over to hear tales of driving in platforms and the things I'll do to stop my shoes getting ruined! Lovely, comfortable shoes today with spot-on sizing for once from IC!
Leopard print 'Kitten' shoe-boot by Heatherette for Irregular Choice
irregular choice
leopard print
Friday, 7 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Eleven - Oops, Oh My!
Oooh, this election stuff is pretty exciting. I stayed up last night (only until midnight) and there were reports of sit-ins in several places because people had been queueing for hours at polling stations without getting to vote and they (quite rightly) protested that they had the right to vote if they appeared on time. Police were called to remove them and poor Nick Clegg had to visit the polling station, nearest to his house and apologise in person (wouldn't like to be him!). Some areas ran out of ballot papers, I have no words for that one-it's just ridiculous! Others were apparently allowed to vote after the 10pm deadline because of queues and there was even a bomb threat in Derry and the army were called in! Ooh-ee! I'm deeply disappointed with the results today though, especially seeing as Conservative only won one seat in Scotland and not a single one in Wales...electing a Tory PM wouldn't exactly be a fair reflection of our countries would it? Anyway I won't bore you any more with politics or tell you who I voted for, I'm still trying to find somewhere in my memory all I learnt in Modern Studies at school about majority, hung parliaments and seats etc etc!
Blue platform sandals with triple bow detail Matalan
Thursday, 6 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Ten - Election Day
Quite apt that today is Day 2...10, when we see who may be moving in or out of No.10 Downing Street! I voted this morning and this was actually the first year that I felt passionate enough about it to do so. Although it's rather annoying that you only get to vote for your local MP's as I feel more opinionated about who would I'd like to be or not be Prime Minister! I should be interested in how the local area is run though, so ideally I would've liked to vote twice...and it would've been for different parties/people in each section.
Very, very special boots today. If you forced me to pick my favourite IC's, I may very well choose these. I got them from ebay years ago and think I got scammed by a family/friend of the seller bidding to increase the price : ( I missed out on the boots and if I remember it was the second time they were listed in so many weeks (I smell trouble), anyway I got a 'Second Chance Offer' and although I had my doubts about the seller, I really wanted the boots, so took it. I'm glad I did and for the amount of times I've worn them, I would've got a bargain at double the price! I fell in love with Irregular Choice when they made these type of shoes in pastel colours, kitsch prints and wonderful designs. I'm happy that the latest collection harks back to that era. Anyway, I could photograph them all day from every angle and they'd look different, you can also fold them down for another look, but I may show you that another day!
Turquoise wedge ankle boots with pink poodle print Irregular Choice
Very, very special boots today. If you forced me to pick my favourite IC's, I may very well choose these. I got them from ebay years ago and think I got scammed by a family/friend of the seller bidding to increase the price : ( I missed out on the boots and if I remember it was the second time they were listed in so many weeks (I smell trouble), anyway I got a 'Second Chance Offer' and although I had my doubts about the seller, I really wanted the boots, so took it. I'm glad I did and for the amount of times I've worn them, I would've got a bargain at double the price! I fell in love with Irregular Choice when they made these type of shoes in pastel colours, kitsch prints and wonderful designs. I'm happy that the latest collection harks back to that era. Anyway, I could photograph them all day from every angle and they'd look different, you can also fold them down for another look, but I may show you that another day!
ankle boots
irregular choice
Wednesday, 5 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Nine - Unfrill Me
Sorry it's late guys, had an awful migraine again. My lovely ruffle shoes without the frill-which easily detaches (it's just threaded through the straps. I first wore these way back on Day 52, totally stunning. Which look do you prefer, with or without frills?
Orange multi strap courts Matalan
concealed platform
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Eight - Dizzy Heights
What a night last was awful. I had the worst migraine I've ever, ever had. It lasted hours, I had to sit wearing sunglasses indoors and shielding my eyes from the light. It hurt so much that I felt sick and I detest vomiting, so had to talk myself out of that several times. I'm also not one for over-dramatising, but there was honestly a time in my bed where I thought I wouldn't make it through the night! How bad is that? To make it worse, I took the plunge and had ordered the Charlotte Olympia shoes and had visions of them arriving after I'd died! Oh dear! Anyway, I'm feeling much better today although still feel like I could get a sore head at any moment, so I'm being cautious. Gorgeous shoes today that make me as tall as Naomi Campbell! I would've preferred them with tights I think, but that made them too slippy inside and I didn't want to fall off these!
Grey 'Airtight' platforms by Carvela at Kurt Geiger
Monday, 3 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Seven - To Buy Or Not To Buy?
Hello lovelies! I'm still undecided with my next shoe purchase. Once I make my mind up that I will get them, I chicken out again, aaagh! The shoes in question are by Charlotte Olympia, a designer that I admire and I've always really wanted to own a pair of her shoes. I could afford them and although it wouldn't bankrupt me, it would leave me struggling slightly for yet another month. I really like them and it's a good deal on them (not to mention they're the only pair left in my size), but then there are other designer shoes that I could spend less on (although they perhaps aren't as lustworthy). So, do I take the plunge or not? I'm still eyeing up plenty of other shoes including the blue Bambino by Irregular Choice-I love the floral heel on it (wish my pink pair had that).
Pink courts with black lace overlay New Look
Sunday, 2 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Six - Ruby Slippers
I just ate the most amazing cupcake for lunch, made by my Mummy-I think she should open up her own cake shop, although most profits would come from me! I'm debating (with myself) over spending a ridiculous amount of money on a pair of shoes. I keep trying to rationalise it, then think, but for that money I could buy....! The truth is though, it'll all go on shoes anyway, it's just whether I want to spend a massive amount on one pair or 4 pairs!
Ruby satin peep toes with velvet bow Barratts
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Day Two Hundred & Five - High and Mighty
I couldn't be bothered searching for suitable shoes to wear today; it's not so nice outside, so I should've been taking advantage of that and wearing the few pairs of ankle boots I have left. However I spotted these and they went perfectly with my frilly, floral dress-so I stopped searching! They're the type of shoes that you feel very secure in, all wrapped and bound tightly! They also look like they have a huge heel, but the platform counteracts that and your foot is almost flat inside, very comfortable.
Red and purple strappy platforms Matalan
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