Wowee, if I had a £1 for every person that said "Look at that girls shoes/hair" when I wore this outfit on Saturday, I'd be tres rich. Rich enough to not care that the Euromillions jackpot for Friday is £100,000,000! Ok, well not quite, but I couldn't take two steps without a comment, literally. It was funny because I wasn't quite prepared for the reaction they received and although I tend to be somewhat oblivious to people commenting on my attire (although in this instance I couldn't help but notice the reactions), I just didn't think people would even look at these shoes to be honest! I think it was all quite complimentary too (for a change), once they shut their gaping mouths and got over the initial shock (are the shoes really that shocking?). Although the girl that *ahem'd* REALLY loudly to her friend in H&M maybe wasn't so keen on them! One little girl even let me go on the escalator before her, just so she could stare at my shoes as I walked past her and stood in front of her, with her sister staring up at me from below me, awww! Old ladies always seem bemused at the height of my heels combined with the walking stick, as if it is somehow the result of those shoes and they kinda look disapprovingly. I was extremely impressed that they didn't hurt my feet, considering this was their first outing and I'm not often on my feet so much. Unfortunately and what I wanted to tell everyone was, that they are now out of stock on ASOS, sorry. I'm guessing they'll get more in though-they tend to. This dress is one of my most flattering, it's really lovely and excuse the manky hair, it really needed washed, but Mum and I decided at the last minute to pop out shopping instead.
Wearing: Floral dress Dorothy Perkins, leggings, cardi, rings and scarf all Primark, silk socks Kurt Geiger, shell clasp bag River Island, long chunky pearls Miss Selfridge.
Fit: True to size, 5 3/4" heel and 1 1/4" platform, lace-up front.
Comfort: Very comfortable and a nice steady base to walk on.