Merry Christmas!! I hope you've all been enjoying the day. I've survived on only an hour of sleep (not because I was excited for Christmas, I just couldn't get to sleep) and had a late night and early start. I thought you might like to see a summary of our Irregular Choice '12 Shoes Of Christmas' (I made a gif thing).
Friday, 25 December 2015
Thursday, 24 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 12

Christmas Eve already and the 12th and final day of the Irregular Choice '12 Shoes Of Christmas' challenge. It's just flown by.
12 shoes of christmas
irregular choice
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 11

Hello, how are you all? It's been a busy day for visitors and my friend is coming shortly, so I shall be quick.
12 shoes of christmas
ankle boots
concealed platform
irregular choice
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 10

Hola, what's the hap today? I've had a rather productive day, but still have tonnes on the to-do list. I'm getting there slowly.
Monday, 21 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 9

How is the run up to Christmas going for you? I feel like I'm getting somewhere now. I ordered the last couple of things on Saturday, which surprisingly arrived today (though I could've done without the early morning text when they got to the local sorting office). My cards are written and sent and my friend is coming on Wednesday night to pick up a present for her wee boy (Playmobil pirate ship) and my Auntie and Uncle during the day. Now I just have to tackle the wrapping. Might need some help on that one as my arms tire easily and I get frustrated when they start shaking and I end up in a tangle of twisted sticky tape and creased paper!
12 shoes of christmas
irregular choice
Sunday, 20 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 8
12 shoes of christmas
concealed platform
faux fur
irregular choice
Saturday, 19 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 7

Hello, sorry for the tardy post, just sneaking in before the end of the day! I've had and still have actually, a really bad migraine. I've been sitting with a migraine cooling pad thing stuck to my forehead like a numpty for the past few hours, after being forced to admit that it wasn't going to go away on it's own. I refuse to take more medication and it rarely helps anyway. I was joking with my doctor the other week that I'm well beyond the personal pill daily intake I set myself. I'm not particularly 'good' at taking pills (I remember when to take them, I just don't like it and struggle to swallow the bigger ones), I think my maximum quota used to be no more than 5 a day. Then with the iron deficiency a couple of years ago, I had a few extras to take, now I have 4 Vitamin D big buggers to swallow and now he added something else to the list, so that takes me to double my target. I was saying if the hayfever or iron comes back, I'll be looking at what I can switch out and put in it's place! My doctor is good that way, that I can muck around and laugh about it (what else can you do?) and I do realise other people have to take much more than that in a day, it's just a silly thing I set myself!
12 shoes of christmas
ankle boots
irregular choice
Friday, 18 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 6

Day 6 and we're halfway through our challenge of wearing Irregular Choice festive footwear for 12 days. Today we are both wearing the same style, in the same colour. I believe the fashion pack call this "twinning"! Not sure if that still applies when we are miles apart!
12 shoes of christmas
irregular choice
Thursday, 17 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 5

I'm having a little bit of a meltdown today. A week today, it's Christmas Eve. I don't know how that happened! I feel both November and December have just flown by. I haven't even tackled my Christmas cards yet (I have bought them, so I suppose that's something), but I've not wrapped anything, I still have something to get for my Dad and another little thing for Mum. It's supposed to be easier this year because my friends and I decided against us all sending presents (they all have children now, so I bought for the kids instead, but between 5 of them, there's 11 children). I've had a headache all week that only subsides to bring back my old pal, chest pain or sometimes I get both at once! Plus I have the usual tiredness, aches and pains, which don't go away just because it's Christmas.
12 shoes of christmas
irregular choice
mary jane
polka dot
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 3

Read on to see what Tomi and I are wearing for Day 3 of our Irregular Choice '12 Shoes Of Christmas'.
12 shoes of christmas
ankle boots
irregular choice
polka dot
Monday, 14 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of wearing festive Irregular Choice shoes! Two very different styles today, but we're both going metallic.
12 shoes of christmas
irregular choice
Sunday, 13 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 1

Over the years of blogging, I've been very fortunate to meet so many wonderful people with shared interests as myself. The majority of my friends (even those I studied fashion with) think of me as a crazy shoe woman and roll their eyes if I spend any longer than a minute discussing heel heights, favourite linings, my thoughts on the latest character heel or which shoe is getting priority on my virtual wishlist for fear of selling out. So I'm extremely appreciative that I have Tomi in my life. We struck up a friendship years ago, over, you guessed it, shoes! Irregular Choice to be exact and though we've never met in real life, I really value our chats about the stresses of online shoe shopping, trying to guess future releases and also what's going on in our lives. She's the first person I want to talk to when there's exciting shoe news and we strategize and encourage each other on special release days. She's just as crazy about shoes as I am, so would never judge me for talking endlessly about them (and between us, we really do).
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Day 1052 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: Schuh glitter Crazy courts*
Argh, what a manic week so far! I have sooo many blog posts on the go at once between here and Pink Haired Princess and I'm juggling them all, trying to prioritise which should come first because at the weekend, I have something really exciting which is going to be quite time consuming. I've been quite busy in life too...darn that's just reminded me of the outfit/shoes I was supposed to post today, I knew I'd forget something!! Well yes, I had an appointment with the doctor last week, getting told off for leaving it 6 months since my last visit, but I don't like to bother him and have nothing new to say. It went well, other than adding a new medication to my already thriving list! I took outfit photos and it was my first time wearing the shoes (I posted photos on my Instagram and Facebook), but alas I forgot about that, until now. The reason being, I was distracted by these glitter beauties which came last week.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Day 1051 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: Irregular Choice Tiny Ted
Hello lovelies. I don't have an outfit post for you this week, though I did actually wear these shoes out. I had a dentist appointment, eugh (though actually it was fine), so I thought I'd wear these as I haven't had the chance before.
faux fur
irregular choice
shoesday tuesday
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Chie Mihara Gene

This is my luxe outfit from last week as I'm running a bit behind after all the Black Friday/Cyber Monday stuff. We got snow at the weekend, did I tell you that? It was a bit out of the blue because it's been unusually mild (up until last week). I figured it wouldn't lie because it was raining at the same time and the ground was soaking, but then I blinked and the whole street was white. As we're on the coast we don't usually get it as often or as bad as inland, but it appears this time we did. It was so cold it quickly turned to ice after going slushy, so was rather treacherous yesterday I believe.
the shoe girl styles it
Saturday, 28 November 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: So Fabulous Nessa

Hello, hope you're all cosied up on this cold, wintry night. It's beginning to feel more like winter and the Christmas panic has set in already, that I may not be organised in time! I know it's a month away, but November sped past and there's the dreaded card writing and wrapping to come! I have an appointment next week then that'll likely be me for the rest of the year, I shan't be out. That might sound strange, but after a couple of years of only getting out once every couple of months or so, I'm used to it. We were supposed to be spending Christmas with my sister and her family like we do (every alternate year), however we've had to improvise this time, as I won't be able for the short journey. The thought of getting to spend all day in my jammies, despite doing that every day, is most appealing I have to say! Anyway, this outfit, I suppose could be Christmas party inspired, it's my plus size look of the week.
plus size
the shoe girl styles it
Wednesday, 25 November 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Dolcis Ruby

Wow, Dolcis are a bit of a blast from the past eh? I spent a lot of time (and money) in there during my late teens/early twenties! Nowadays I don't think there are any stand-alone stores left (I could be wrong), but the brand itself is still available.
the shoe girl styles it
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Day 1050 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: Blue Heel The World Irregular Choice
Hola, how are you all this week? These are a pair of shoes I've had for some time, I loved them the moment I spotted them in the SS15 range. They also came in red and once I had the blue pair, I wanted those too, but missed out on them.
irregular choice
shoesday tuesday
Monday, 23 November 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Irregular Choice Mal E Bow Black

Hello, hope you are all well today. This post is a little late and it's your weekly Irregular Choice post for last week! Don't worry, there is another one coming tomorrow for this week.
irregular choice
the shoe girl styles it
Saturday, 21 November 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Little Mistress Wine Courts

Oh I'm suffering today. We had gale force winds last night (scary blustery and worse than any of the 'named' storms recently) and a wooden sign we have on our shed had come unstuck and was swirling and battering against the wooden shed, but somehow still attached. My fear was it was going to break free and smash through any one of the many surrounding windows, plus I knew I couldn't sleep with that racket outside my window. I've realised my family can and will sleep through pretty much anything though. Anyway long story short, my sister and I traipsed downstairs and she went out into the cold to try and fix it (the shed was actually covered in ice it was so cold), back up and 5 minutes later it started again (which we knew it would as she couldn't get it off)! I had trouble falling asleep, then at half two was aware of my new noisy neighbours, who decided to congregate in their back garden (must've been freezing) and talk, laugh, play music and carry on, very loudly! I was furious. By half past four, it was still going on. I was really furious! I couldn't remember the non-emergency police number and figured they might not come out anyway, so suffered a sore head from lack of sleep all day today. Haven't seen a peep out of those neighbours today funnily enough. I don't even know what they look like, haven't seen them yet, but they made the same rumpus a few weeks a go, so are already in my bad books.
the shoe girl styles it
Tuesday, 17 November 2015
Day 1049 - Shoesday Tuesday

Wearing: Iron Fist Care Bear Point Heels*
Hello lovelies. If you read my review on Pink Haired Princess last week, you'll have known which shoes I was wearing for Shoesday Tuesday before this post! Courts from the new Iron Fist 'Care Bears' collection.
care bears
iron fist
shoesday tuesday
Monday, 16 November 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Camilla Elphick Pez Rabbit Heels

You can see my post on Pink Haired Princess as to why I'm posting so late (or early in the morning if you look at it that way). I wanted to challenge myself a bit with this look today, because it's rare I combine my once weekly, plus size look with the high-end prices. That's because there simply isn't the vast choice available in designer plus clothing or nearly as many high end brands that make larger sizes. I could talk for hours on the numerous reasons this is wrong, but I suspect you'll mostly agree. To make matters slightly more difficult, once I spotted these shoes, there was no way I wasn't using them today, but having something so specific and choices limited for clothing, I struggled a bit (especially as they are quite summery looking and obviously we are into winter fashion now).
the shoe girl styles it
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
Day 1048 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: R2D2 Irregular Choice Star Wars
Hello lovelies, how are you all this week? We're in the midst of getting a new kitchen fitted, so we've been washing dishes in the conservatory, making 'meals' in my parents bedroom, using their en suite to fill the kettle and keeping a larder in the living room, fun times! There's been a bit of a mix-up with the sink not fitting the unit, so that's going to set things back a few days unfortunately, while we wait for a new one to arrive. It meant they finished early yesterday though and I could sneak off to re-shoot these photos as they hadn't worked too well last week. Not much better this time...I sound like a broken record, but I do hate the lack of natural light this time of year. Even as I was taking them, light was fading, so I was working at record speed!
concealed platform
irregular choice
shoesday tuesday
star wars
Sunday, 8 November 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Sophia Webster Flutura Flamingo

I did a little reverse styling today for the luxe edition of TSGSI. I found this dress and just wasn't going to be satisfied unless it featured in this post today. Thankfully I easily found a suitable pair of shoes.
the shoe girl styles it
Friday, 6 November 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Miss KG Glacier Cherry

Oooh another contender for the Christmas party today! It wasn't my intention, but it happened. I think it's because I've been watching Christmas adverts today and our whole family have been making progress with their present shopping. The outfit comes in plus and regular sizes too, which is a bonus and it's utterly gorgeous.
plus size
the shoe girl styles it
Thursday, 5 November 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Office Teach

I'm becoming very regular with my late night posts! I find I'm hard at it all day, but before I know it, it's getting really late and I've not published anything. Great for my international readers with time differences who get to read it first!
the shoe girl styles it
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Day 1047 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: Prada frilled cuff court shoes
Ooh I've been holding onto these photos for some time, as you can probably tell by the almost empty shoe room in the background! I bought them in...May I think, before my birthday and I kinda went crazy that week with the green satin and frill brogue Miu Miu and also a pair of Nicholas Kirkwood boots I haven't shown you yet. All sales buys obviously, you know I like my bargains!
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Irregular Choice The Death Star

With a busy week, I didn't have time for our 'luxe' edition of TSGSI at the weekend. However I was so pleased with the look I'd made, that I'm posting it today. When I began gathering items for this, something just clicked immediately and I knew exactly the direction it was heading. There was one item I suppose I 'compromised' on, but actually it's so fabulous, it totally worked anyway (even if it wasn't what I had in my head originally). Considering these boots were the priciest in the Star Wars collection, I thought they'd fit in better with my designer look.
the shoe girl styles it
Thursday, 29 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Red Or Dead Claudia

TSGSI is back this week, with some seriously 70's inspired glitter boots. I genuinely found myself asking "how would I style these?" today! I've given it a go and this is my weekly plus size look.
plus size
the shoe girl styles it
Tuesday, 27 October 2015
Day 1046 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: Red 'Truly Magical' Irregular Choice
A wonderful pair of shoes for Shoesday Tuesday this week, which I'm really excited about. Though I just realised that's red shoes (and indeed IC again) for two weeks running, oops. It's true I've always had a weakness for red shoes and handbags too actually, especially if they are shiny. My Mum is the same, so I'll blame the genes!
irregular choice
polka dot
shoesday tuesday
Friday, 23 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Iron Fist Cat Lady

In my final Iron Fist look of the week, I've gone all out with three fabulous items this time. I'd gone to post this earlier but have been feeling a bit unwell this evening. I've come out in a reaction to something (no idea what), so I look like I own a cat that hates me, from the red scratches all over my arms! I don't know about you, but this week has just been so tiring too, I'm shattered.
the shoe girl styles it
Thursday, 22 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Iron Fist Care Bears Stare Heels

As I mentioned yesterday, The Shoe Girl Styles It will be focusing on the new Iron Fist collection this week. Today I have a couple of items to show you from the wonderful Care Bears collaboration. We've already seen whimsical My Little Pony designs in seasons past, which I was super excited about, but I love this combination too. Initially I was going to just use the shoes (which I'll get to in a moment), as I realised it might be difficult to include my usual plus-size look when IF don't strictly cater for larger sizes. However I decided to persevere with a look I was planning anyway and adapt it for plus size.
plus size
the shoe girl styles it
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Office Pansy

I'm running a special feature this week in celebration of the amazing new AW15 collection from Iron Fist, which has just launched. There's so many great prints and pieces in it, that I'm eager to play around and style them each day. Obviously today that item isn't shoes.
the shoe girl styles it
Tuesday, 20 October 2015
Day 1045 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: Red 'Hearts On The Line' Irregular Choice
Hello, Shoesday Tuesday has rolled around again, with a bright and cheerful pair of shoes. They are from the SS15 range and were a sale buy along with another pair. Though I have many heels shaped like this, I don't think I have a red one (my memory can be shocking though, so perhaps I do).
irregular choice
shoesday tuesday
The Shoe Girl Styles It: REDValentino Silver Glitter Courts

I'm a little jumbled with posts, this is normally the Sunday slot, but oh well, it's my blog and I can move things around if I wish (
the shoe girl styles it
Saturday, 17 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Paper Dolls Mesh Ankle Boot

Yo, yo, yo, what's up peeps? TSGSI has been pretty
plus size
the shoe girl styles it
Tuesday, 13 October 2015
Day 1044 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: Irregular Choice 'Paw Paw'
I had a hospital appointment yesterday, the first time I've been out in a while. So you have a full outfit today, as well as shoes! I think I dressed appropriately given the time of was apparently colder (hence the tights) but not cold enough for a coat (I wore a little cardigan and bigger cardi on top). It's hard to gauge when you aren't out for weeks/months at a time. My Mum actually knitted me this chunky, oversized scarf earlier in the year, which I wore (it can get chilly when you're just sitting in a wheelchair and not moving around, though we didn't have far to go). I just want to wear it all the time, it's so comfortable and cosy. I should've taken photos with it on.
irregular choice
shoesday tuesday
Sunday, 11 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: LK Bennett Laura

Hello, a bright pair of sandals this week and an amazing little dress. There's definitely a sort of unintentional Halloween theme going on.
the shoe girl styles it
Thursday, 8 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Irregular Choice Mal E Bow

Hello lovelies. Another outfit for you and your Irregular Choice post for the week. Speaking of, you must see the one I wrote on Pink Haired Princess (if you haven't already) with all my character heels and the history of them. It was hard work, but a lot of fun to document and see all my shoes together. There's an amazing variety there already and likely more to come!
irregular choice
the shoe girl styles it
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Paper Dolls Lace Court

Paper Dolls are probably better known for their cocktail dresses, but their shoe collection is gaining momentum, with some really nice styles this season.
plus size
the shoe girl styles it
Tuesday, 6 October 2015
Day 1043 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: 'Beryl' Orla Kiely for Clarks
Hello, hope this week is treating you well so far. Decidedly winter...not really cold, but where's the daylight? We're putting the lights on earlier each night and leaving them on later in the morning. I hate this time of year for that reason, makes blogging (taking photos) a bit of a nightmare.
orla kiely
shoesday tuesday
Sunday, 4 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Versus Lion Boot

I've never featured this brand on The Shoe Girl Styles It before (I don't think), but these boots have been on my radar for a couple of months now.
the shoe girl styles it
Friday, 2 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Office Trouble

The shoes may not look that exciting today, but I quite like the outfit I put together. I suppose everyone needs a plain court in their shoe collection, right? My sister screws up her face at every attempt I make to display "plain" shoes in my shoe room. She even made up an annoying "no room for plainers" song, which she now has me singing everytime I suspect she'd disapprove of a certain pair. Vivienne Westwood was promptly ushered back inside her box. Irregular Choice fan courts (not entirely plain) were serenaded. I'm still battling for the satin Miu Miu's to earn their right to a shelf!
the shoe girl styles it
Thursday, 1 October 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Office Intoxicate Boots

Today I bring you my plus-size look of the week. It's been one of those days where I felt like I've never stopped, but not got anything done y'know? Anyway, better late than never or likely early, if you're reading this tomorrow (don't worry, another is on it's way)!
plus size
the shoe girl styles it
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: ASOS Patience

Hello, a new week of styling shoes and outfits. I'm sorry I missed a couple of posts last week, I just ran out of time and energy. It would be nice to wake up one day and for this to be easy, but for the time being it's still a bit of a struggle. Blogging (and life) that is, not this actual post, that actually came together rather easily. I must have my stylist hat firmly back on!
the shoe girl styles it
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Day 1042 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: True Love flashing heart heels Irregular Choice
I needed some time to recover this weekend, after a busy few days last week, with the arrival of these shoes. I managed a detailed blog post on Pink Haired Princess, a video of them flashing (yes, the heels actually light-up when you walk) and then this post. I like to forget I'm not actually able for all this (!), however my body has no such issues reminding me and the message was loud and clear this weekend (and still now)! Sore, aching body and tiredness aside, I do love when there's an exciting launch like this to occupy my time and give me something to focus on (the other 'big activity' was wiping the hard drive of my old PC, which was mind numbingly boring).
concealed platform
irregular choice
shoesday tuesday
Friday, 25 September 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Jason Wu Melissa Ultragirl

Had you seen me last night, I'm sure you'd have witnessed steam coming out my ears. Everything was going wrong and in amongst it, my internet decided to play up, only allowing me on some sites. Polyvore was one I couldn't get on, so I had no way of blogging TSGSI. I was reaching exploding point, but am feeling much calmer today, phew! Now, the majority of times, I style an outfit around a pair of shoes, as per the objective. However there are rare occasions where I see an item or two and just know I want them together, so search for shoes afterwards. This was one such time. I saw this top on Evans and immediately fell in love, then discovered the trousers, which matched perfectly. So then it was off to look for shoes.
plus size
the shoe girl styles it
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Day 1041 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: Pink 'Tian Tian' panda heels Irregular Choice
First of all, I can't believe I haven't shown you these yet! I know I posted them on Pink Haired Princess, but I actually had to check the Shoesday Tuesday archives to ensure I wasn't posting twice!
irregular choice
shoesday tuesday
Sunday, 20 September 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: LK Bennett Tamia

Hello, hope you're well today. After finding TSGSI really challenging of late, I seem to have found my stride again, which is good news. It was actually enjoyable putting it together today, instead of the usual stress and struggle.
the shoe girl styles it
Saturday, 19 September 2015
The Shoe Girl Styles It: River Island LE Pom Pom Sandals

I really struggled with TSGSI this week and in particular, my plus size look. I was seriously stressing about it, because the more I tried, the more jumbled, confused and irritated I and it, became. For 3 days!! I suppose I was looking to a degree for something specific (which made it harder) and I was berating the lack of choice in plus size. Yes it's come a long way, but there's still heaps of room for improvement. Today though, it just fell into place (well with some serious groundwork beforehand) and I'm genuinely pleased with it. I'm only posting late because my nephews have been here all day and are staying overnight, so I've had no time (watching Minecraft on YouTube instead, serious snooze-fest but it kept them amused). Anyway, the outfit is cool and sassy, which was the exact aim. You should get to choose how you feel and be able to express that through clothing, no matter your size and this was the stumbling block, because you simply don't have the options that mainstream sizing have. Everything felt frumpy and didn't have that edge, so I was ecstatic when the mission was complete!
plus size
the shoe girl styles it
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