Wednesday, 31 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Seventy Eight - Florence & The Legs
Oh great! Now I'll have that 'You Got The Love' song going around in my head all day. It has to be the most whiney, overplayed song just now, although I'm sure loads of people would disagree. Anyway, Florence are the name of todays shoes and that's the reason for the title. I like wearing these with bright tights because the colour peeps through the lacing and holes. I adore the leopard print sole too! I'm feeling slightly calmer now about the facebook comp, what will be will be (and there's no point making myself ill fretting about it!). Although I may have to go all Spencer Pratt and 'un-sister my sister' if she doesn't vote for me!
Black croc 'Florence' lace up shoes Irregular Choice
irregular choice
Tuesday, 30 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Seventy Seven - Grey Day
As I anticipated we didn't get snow today, instead rain and gale force winds. It's actually quite scary because the wind is just so strong and forceful and unpredictable and it's kept up momentum all day and all last night. Obviously I'm not leaving the house, so I just popped on these little peep toes. They used to be my 'shopping shoes' that I'd wear to go shopping because they have a simple shape that went with skirts, dresses, jeans, trousers-anything really. The heel isn't too high and they can easily be slipped on and off for a little shoe-shopping (wink, wink).
Grey patent peep toes ASOS, floral lacey tights Matalan
Monday, 29 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Seventy Six - All Gone
A late one today as I've been uber busy with my ebay parcels. I had quite a successful sale and most items sold, so now it's just getting everything packaged up and posted-the hard bit. I'm aching all over from the 10 packages I made up today although I'm quite impressed at the smooth routine I have. One pair that are now off to Australia are these. A cute little peep toe with art-deco style detailing.
Black peep toe shoe-boot with pewter piping details Matalan
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Seventy Five - Geek!
I love this sumptuous, bright teal shade. I have to go up a full size in split toes from IC and these just fit perfectly. I considered selling them recently because they are a perhaps more subdued style in amongst my zany pairs, but when I tried them on, I couldn't do it-I'm hopeless!
Teal split toe 'Graphic Geek' Irregular Choice
irregular choice
split toe
Saturday, 27 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Seventy Four - Higher & Higher
I figured this was my last chance to wear these boots before the warmer weather. Turns out today is the sunniest and warmest it's been in a while, go figure! I've been very organised (not like me) and made a list of the shoes I still have to wear and prioritised them by their 'weather suitability'. So it's very likely that the ankle boots I haven't yet worn will be unleashed next week! Todays boots are ridiculously thigh high. I couldn't get them zipped all the way up because it requires 2 people (or even 3 if you have it)! I was home alone so just left the top section unzipped. I'm sure I looked ridiculous in them, because bending my legs was virtually impossible, so I was basically walking with 2 peg legs. I came over all Mariah ("I don't do steps") when I saw some...nightmare! I think these need a lot of breaking in!
Silver paisley thigh high boots River Island
Friday, 26 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Seventy Three - Don't Look
The fog got so bad last night, you couldn't see anything, absolutely nothing. I was looking out the windows (which looked like they were steamed up) and up into the street lights and it was totally creepy, this hazy glow surrounding it, ewww! Today it's cleared, but is still raining so I'm not going anywhere. I took this photo yesterday, hence I'm wearing the same tights. I've loved these shoes over the years, they just feel so comfy and have a really cute shape. However I've decided to part with them as I can only keep the more unique pairs in my collection.
Pink suedette platform shoes Peacocks
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Seventy Two - Straight To The Point
Euch it's a horrible day today. You can barely see 10 foot in front of you, it's foggy, drizzly and miserable. So I'm not leaving the house, instead I had a lovely hot shower, slathered myself in Soap&Glory body lotion and put my hair in pin-curls.
Metallic lace-up shoe boots ASOS
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Seventy One - The Only Way Is Up
I've got loads to do, but I'm not in the mood to focus today. I'm really sore and tired and feel a little sluggish. I hope I'm not going to catch this bug that's going around, my Dad and sister were sniffling and spluttering yesterday : (
Nude 'The Skys The Limit' court shoes Irregular Choice
concealed platform
irregular choice
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Seventy - Minnie Mouse or Betty Boop?
It's been one of those days when pretty much everything has gone wrong. I did get the Lancome lipgloss I was after though, so it was a successful shopping trip in that respect. I caused a mini stampede in Boots when all the counter ladies rushed to see what shoes I was wearing! I've been told to wear a different pair every time I visit (!). I then had to endure a bus journey all the way home with this creepy guy leering at me. Don't you just hate when someone is staring and you look back in the hope they'll stop but they keep gawping, so blatant!
Black 'Boop' court shoe with large polka dot bow Shoemissy
Monday, 22 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Sixty Nine - Brighten Up
Another pair of shoes today that have bit the dust. Ignoring the scutty nail polish and crappy focus (hot pink shiny satin is very hard to photograph!), you'll see a lovely flower embroidered onto the insole with little gems on it. These were my 'special occasion' shoes when I felt like a splash of colour, however I just don't wear them now. I'm not going anywhere today, so was able to wear them around the house, they are hardly suitable for a March day in Scotland!
Bright pink satin sandals with diamante buckle and embroidery detail Laceys
Day One Hundred & Sixty Eight - Hanging On
I thought I was at the stage where I didn't have any more shoes to give up, however I was proved wrong this weekend when I had a massive clear-out...again! I managed to scramble together another 20 pairs that are either going to the charity shop or on ebay. I desperately need the space...for more shoes, and the money...for more shoes! I haven't worn this pair for years. They are just a little 'tame' for me now, although I love the dangling tassel. Crappy picture but it was taken in a hurry, sorry.
Black satin shoes with gold piping and hanging tassel H&M
Saturday, 20 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Sixty Seven - One Shot
I'm currently making a mental wishlist of Irregular Choice shoes from the new collection. Let's just say it's very long and requires the throwing out of several pairs to make room. I'm at the stage now where I literally have no more space, so need to do the 'one pair in, one pair out' rule. Kinda like a Saturday night in a busy nightclub! Have a good weekend!
Glossy nude court shoes New Look
Friday, 19 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Sixty Six - The Clash
I don't know what's wrong with me today. I woke up fine, but have slumped into a depression as the day progressed. I just can't be bothered doing anything, so I tried to force myself to do it, then got annoyed because I wasn't making any progress! Aagh! Mum made some Rocky Road today though, so hopefully that'll cheer me up. I could honestly give up all other foods and meals to solely eat Mums RR, it's amazing.
Purple and bronze platform sandals Pepe Jeans
Thursday, 18 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Sixty Five - Let It Go
I feel a bit like a shire horse today in these boots. The length of the fringing and the swing they give when you walk is incredible. I tried to capture some movement in the image which is hard to do whilst trying to hold the camera steady and swing at the same time. My Mum wondered what I was doing because of the strange noises coming from my room! I'm not entirely convinced I teamed the boots with the right outfit, so hopefully next winter I'll get another try at it!
Black fringed knee high boots Primark
Wednesday, 17 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Sixty Four - Seriously?
Sorry it's later than usual, I've been so busy today and haven't really stopped. I didn't go out and I actually couldn't in these boots because they are very uncomfortable. I tried them on in the shop and was wearing tights and you know when your toes curl under and you can't straighten them out? I thought without tights, at home, they would be fine, but I reckon they are too small, which is annoying seeing as I can't take them back. Other than that, they are totally cute although I never thought I'd ever wear DM style boots!
Pink patent 'Minx' heeled boots Office
Tuesday, 16 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Sixty Three - It's Plain To See
I've been going through the list of shoes I still haven't worn in this challenge and I'm trying to be a little more methodical and wear the wintery types before we're into warmer weather and it's too late-because I know I'm not going to manage to keep the blog going for another winter. By my reckoning, I only have a couple of months worth of shoes left (so maybe until the end of May?). I would've liked to have managed a year (we started last July, although there were set-backs and technical difficulties which meant a pause in posting, so it wouldn't be 365 pairs). I do know I have some really old pairs in storage, but I don't know when I'll be able to get to these and even if I want to (I can picture a pair of (probably hideous) 6" black patent platform mules!). Anyway onto todays shoes or boots actually. These were my replacement for a Miss Selfridge pair that I reheeled about a million times until they finally died on me. It used to be really difficult to find slim leg knee high boots with a nice, slender heel that looked dressy rather than wintery. They are probably the most plain footwear I own, but they did the job.
Black knee high boots Barratts
Monday, 15 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Sixty Two - Polka Dot Bows
I'm surprised these tights don't have any holes in them. They are the most delicate, damned things and I must have snagged them a million times when putting them on and I don't even have rough hands! Aren't these shoes the cutest? ASOS really came up trumps with their version of the Chloe triple bow courts. I think zipping up the top cuffed section may have cut off the blood circulation to my legs, but don't they say you have to suffer for fashion?
Black 'Special' triple studded bow courts ASOS
Sunday, 14 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Sixty One - Strap Up
Wowza, these shoes certainly aren't the most comfortable. Gorgeous to look at but the strappy cage detail across your toes is very restrictive, the shoes are very narrow and the heel deceivingly high. Like a pro though, I managed to go out for a short walk with no hobbling or tripping in site!
Black strappy, patent platform peep toes ASOS
Day One Hundred & Sixty - Vintage Swirl
Sorry I didn't manage to post this yesterday. I didn't actually realise I still had these shoes, I've practically worn them to death over the years and found them on a recent clean-up. I bought them in TK Maxx a long time ago. They look very vintage with their brooch detail, peep toe, wearable sized heel and in the most luscious salmon pink coloured satin fabric.
Peachy pink peep toes with brooch detail Mila Paoli
Friday, 12 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Fifty Nine - Raring To Go
Actually I'm not 'raring to go', it's just the name of these shoes. When I was brushing my hair earlier, I felt like a hair got stuck in my eye, but when I looked in the mirror I couldn't see it. A couple of hours later and every so often I keep feeling the thing jabbing my eye, but again I can't see anything. It's really starting to irritate me now!
Patent leopard print 'Raring To Go' shoes by Office
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Fifty Eight - Mix It Up
I'd say my look today is Alice in Wonderland meets Jenny Humphrey (Gossip Girl) by way of Sarah Jessica Parker! I'm wearing a t-shirt that I bought yesterday...yes a t-shirt! The queen of dresses now owns a t-shirt! Whatever next? Jeans? Flat shoes? No, I think that's maybe taking it too far! Onto today's shoe, if you had to pick a shoe to define you, mine would have to be the peep-toe shoe boot. A lot of people don't like the idea of a boot with no toe, but I've always been really fond of that odd mix and own countless pairs, making it probably my signature look. This particular pair are one of my favourites, they are so slim and fit like a dream and the gorgeous pink sole and heel adds a little flash of colour.
Black snakeskin peep toe shoe boot with pink heel and sole ASOS
Wednesday, 10 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Fifty Seven - Dolly Mixture
Stunning shoes today, absolutely adorable. Quite a low heel for me, but the clashing colours, frills and plastic charms I adore! I went shopping and got a lot of 'oh look at her shoes' comments...I suppose it's a change from 'look at that girls hair'!
Green suede 'Dolly Mixture' charm courts Irregular Choice
Tuesday, 9 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Fifty Six - Pump It
I'm totally running behind today and really can't be bothered doing much! Thinking of going shopping tomorrow, not that I need anything, I just want a wee nosey round the shops! Although when have you ever known me to come home empty handed?! These shoes were in my opinion the style that put Matalan footwear on the map. I've been left disappointed with their latest collection, but they have managed to pull out some stunners in their time. I can't say I'm as in love with these now as when I bought them a few years back, but I certainly got my wear out of them at the time.
Black patent and ribbon shoes Matalan
Monday, 8 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Fifty Five - Pass The Saucer
I haven't spoken about the boy-facebook saga for a while...let's just say it's still ongoing and he clearly can't take a hint. Mum reckons no boy can, so I'll have to be a little more direct! I'd gone out with one of my oldest school friends the other night and we were in stitches talking about this situation and the fact that it's only boys you aren't interested in that become obsessed with you. There seems to be no middle ground though, they are either fascinated with me or totally don't 'get me'. I won't even get started on the postman who started stalking me, oh dear!
Black and bronze Miaow ankle boots Irregular Choice
ankle boots
irregular choice
Sunday, 7 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Fifty Four - Purple Spots
I find it almost impossible to get the zip up on these boots, they are ultra slim. It's like one of those scenes, trying to squeeze into the skinniest pair of jeans, contorting yourself into weird positions. I realised early on that in order to save my fingers the pain, I'd loop a ribbon through the zip and pull it up with that. Simple and no pain! I think everyone should make patterned or coloured soles on shoes, it makes them so much brighter and happy looking!
Purple boots with zip and leopard print sole ASOS, tights House of Holland
Saturday, 6 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Fifty Three - Polished Prim
Well, I didn't think I could top yesterdays cute booties, so I didn't even try! Another brown pair and I almost forgot I still had these, I found them lurking at the back of my wardrobe (why do we keep shoes in there?). I think they would look better teamed with tights, which is how I usually wear them. I'm lemming so many new shoes at the moment and there is never enough money is there?
Brown lace-up shoe-boots Primark
concealed platform
Day One Hundred & Fifty Two - Woolly Warmers
So here are the stunning boots I wore yesterday. Aren't they the s***? Seriously, they are gorgeous. I've been saving them all winter, then realised I'd better wear them before the warmer weather comes. They are the cosiest footwear I own.
Brown 'Saflufy' ankle boots with ribbon lace-up detail and faux fur trim Faith
ankle boots
faux fur
Friday, 5 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Fifty One - Tweedle Dee
I'm running a day behind with posts, sorry! And now my camera battery has died so I'll have to take photos tomorrow of the adorably cute boots I'm wearing today. So, yesterdays shoes were these peep toes, I had a very lazy day. For some reason I just couldn't be bothered doing anything and sat in my jammies until 6pm, terrible I know!
Red tweed peep toes New Look
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Fifty - Celebration!
Wowee, can't believe I've managed to get to Day 150. 150 different pairs of shoes, that's something! I made a list today of the shoes in my room that I haven't yet worn. There's enough for another 2-3 months, although it will get much harder as many of them are those 'special occasion' shoes that you can't wear 'every day' and I've been consciously saving them incase I do have an occasion for which they are required. So if anyone spots me in Tesco in a couple of months wearing glittery, 5" strappy sandals then you know why!
Wearing beautiful wine 'Whitney' platforms with stitch detail Irregular Choice and customised leggings Primark.
irregular choice
peep toes
Tuesday, 2 March 2010
Day One Hundred & Forty Nine - Spring Time Snakeskin
A beautiful sunny day today, so I took advantage by wearing a much more spring like outfit and pairing with these gorgeous platform, peep toes. I've been dying to wear these since I bought them, but 'saved' them until today. This is definitely the down-side of the blog, because when you love a shoe, you just want to wear it non-stop!
Black peep toe shoe-boot with snakeskin heel and platform Matalan
Monday, 1 March 2010
A Chance To Interview Me And Win!
I've overdone it this weekend and feel terrible today, really sore. So there won't be any posts today. I am however, asking you to send your questions to me, so we can do a little interview/Q&A session. If you have any shoe related questions to ask me, Pink Haired Princess, (the 'feet' of TSGD) then ask away. Ever wondered how many pairs I buy a month, how many I own, my favourite pair or brand, why I started this blog? Anything! Then send questions to with the title 'Interview The Shoe Girl Diaries'. I'll give you a couple of weeks to email in and we'll maybe even choose a winner who gets a mystery prize!
Speaking of giveaways, you have until the end of today to enter to win Skin MD Natural Shielding Lotion over on Pink Haired Princess.

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