A little late with posting tonight because I've been at physio today and needed a wee rest afterwards. I may have gone overboard on the matchy-ness with this outfit, I blame a stressful day! So I was preparing for the launch of the Irregular Choice dinosaur heels this morning. They threw me a curve ball by releasing the unicorn handbag (King of the Castle) I'd had my eye on for this season. I figured I might as well order it along with my dinosaurs, but there was another new handbag that caught my eye, Magic Bunny. I think I heard murmurs of a bunny bag back when the gold heels were released, last year. However nothing came of it and I clean forgot. Typical that it's released today too! It's strange because they only have it in pink, which happens to be the match for my shoes, but there isn't a black version for the black/gold shoes. All part of their 'Bankrupt Gemma' ploy, "give her another unicorn bag, she can't resist unicorns", "bring out a bunny bag to match her shoes, she'll want that too"!!