Shoes: Pink bunny 'Abigail's Party' Irregular Choice
Oh boy, what a boring and stressful weekend that was! I woke up to discover we'd lost our internet connection. Obviously I was stressing because the internet keeps me sane and is also my only link to the outside world. Add to that the fact I had several eBay listings ending over the weekend (and no way of contacting any winning bidders or sending their stuff), a Tumblr queue of posts all in a muddle and these gorgeous shoes I'd been lusting after forever that I was finally going to buy when I got paid, I was having a little inner panic. We got in touch with our ISP and they sorted it out in 24 hours (some 'line' trouble from their end), but it was a looong wait. I missed out on the shoes (yep, gutted), the Tumblr thing wasn't too much of a disaster and thankfully it was fixed before my eBay sales. My family have been a nightmare because they constantly moan about me being on the computer 'all the time' (they have no idea of the amount of work I do-it's not like I'm playing Candy Crush all day) so they thought I was acting like a bear with a sore head (I actually wasn't) and they hogged the TV all weekend. Obviously if I was able-bodied I'd have gutted my room, but even reading magazines was proving too tiring. So I just sat around, listening to my music! Anyway, internet is back, family still annoying, but here's my outfit from last week. I wanted bright colours in a bid to cheer myself up, but it didn't really work. Wish I could get out of this rut.
Wearing: Floral sun dress and black leggings Primark, black cardigan Red Herring at Debenhams, patent belt taken from another dress, flower hair clip ASOS.
Fit: True to size. Heel just over 4".
Comfort: No issues with these and easy to walk in.