Friday, 31 July 2009
Day Fourteen - Brown Shoed Girl
We're already two weeks into the challenge, yay! I wonder how long I can keep going? I'm hoping and aiming for 6 months. That's 182 pairs of shoes though, eeeek! Talked myself out of buying some Shoemissy shoes today, as I figured they were too like my other pair-perhaps I'll need them though!
Brown studded sandals-Primark (aren't they slammin'?)
Thursday, 30 July 2009
Day Thirteen - Is it Raining?
Freaky day today, I was out on my walk and my sister phoned during her lunch hour. She said it was pouring with rain, but I was getting bright sunshine. She works in the same town, less than a mile away-how freaky! It still hasn't rained here.
Anyway I'm trying to wear my summery shoes when I have the chance, although looking at new season clothes makes me want to wear boots! I'm wearing quite a masculine, grey dress today (if you get masculine dresses?!), so wanted to off-set that with super girly footwear.
Irregular Choice teddy court shoes
Irregular Choice teddy court shoes
irregular choice
Wednesday, 29 July 2009
Day Twelve - Bridesmaid Shoes
These are my bridesmaid shoes, my friend bought me for her wedding. Satin uppers in a lovely turquoise shade with a small platform, peep toe and looped bow detail. They are a little stiff for me right now and definitely need breaking in, which I'm doing by wearing them around the house with socks (too painful without thus far).
Wearing Menbur peep toes and H&M lace tie ankle socks.
Tuesday, 28 July 2009
Day Eleven - Rock With Me
Just about to head out for my walk in some really fun shoes today. I got them from TK Maxx a couple of weeks ago, they are by Blink. You really have to rock in them when you walk as they are very curved. Don't you love that heel?
Hole wedge heel shoes by Blink
Monday, 27 July 2009
Day Ten - Baby Steps
I'm trying to build up my walking and exercise by going for a short stroll each day. Plus it means my shoes have the possibility of actually being seen by someone other than myself and my blog readers! Today is warm and sunny, so it was a very pleasant albeit, windy walk.
I can still picture my excitement at discovering New Look had produced these Miu Miu style heels which were undoubtedly the shoe of S/S '07. I haven't worn them for months, but I just love that shiny, baby blue colour.
Shoes New Look
(worn with mint green lace ankle socks and black leggings)
Shoes New Look
(worn with mint green lace ankle socks and black leggings)
Sunday, 26 July 2009
Day Nine - When I Don't Have Time To Think
Saturday, 25 July 2009
Day Eight - A Sunny Saturday Stroll
As way of an apology for the late post, I have 2 pictures for you today, yipee! Plus it's an especially fantabulous shoe, so you can't possibly stay mad at me. I totally picked the wrong outfit today. The weather has been unpredictable lately and I really felt like wearing these boots and paired them with an all black outfit. Of course it turned out to be a warm and bright, sunny day-go figure! Anyway it was nice to get out for a walk and a bite to eat. 
Green metallic and black lace boots Terry De Havilland
ankle boots
peep toes
terry de havilland
Friday, 24 July 2009
Day Seven - A trip to the Doctor
Sorry for the post a little late, I didn't have time to take this pic before I went to the doctor this morning. He took some blood, eeek (actually it wasn't all that bad)! Had to wear leggings today as I didn't have time to shave my legs due to a semi-large spider in the shower last night! I had to be super quick to avoid it gobbling me up (can you tell I get irrational around beasties?). I probably still have shampoo in my hair. Have a good weekend everyone!
Can Can boots Irregular Choice
Snakeskin leggings New Look
Pink dress Primark
Snakeskin leggings New Look
Pink dress Primark
irregular choice
Thursday, 23 July 2009
Day Six - Because We All Need Some Sparkle
Ok, I usually never wear these outside of Christmas time, however I've had a kinda crappy week, I still have clown hair, I've wasted all morning trying to pre-order JLS tickets for my little sister and because I didn't get any, I have to waste all of tomorrow doing the same thing when they go on sale for real! I've seen more websites crash and so many different versions of 'this page cannot be displayed' that I may just do like that guy in the advert and throw the computer across the room in a fit of rage. So, I decided I need some sparkle and these ruby red slippers certainly provide that. Now what happens if I click my heels three times?
Miss Selfridge red glitter shoes
miss selfridge
Wednesday, 22 July 2009
Day Five - Looking Like a Clown
Tuesday, 21 July 2009
Day Four - Nothing Much
Feeling a bit 'euch' today, I think it's because I desperately need my roots done and never quite feel right, if my hair isn't, know what I mean? Thought I'd cheer myself up with a bit of leopard print. The shoes aren't anything exciting, although they have been worn many, many times over the years.
dorothy perkins
Monday, 20 July 2009
Day Three - Shopping without Buying
Had a quick trip to TKMaxx today, but to browse rather than buy. I saw the most gorgeous Audrey Hepburn chair that I'm still dreaming about (but it wouldn't fit in my shopping bag!), it would be perfect for my room-is it too early to write to Santa?
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Day Two - A Relaxing Sunday
Shoes: Gold wedges with hole detail Kathy Van Zeeland at TKMaxx
Woke up late today and had a lovey hot shower. I popped into the garden briefly (to sit, not weed!) and wore these Kathy Van Zeeland wedges with cut out heel. I love these shoes, a fabulous find in TK Maxx years ago.
Day One - Saturday Lunch
Shoes: Purple suede concealed platform with fringe detail New Look
I haven't been out of the house in almost 2 weeks, so took a little trip out for lunch. It was a driech day and I had to break out the winter tights (oh no!). The fringed shoes from New Look, perfectly matched and certainly brightened my day, even if they did squash my toes!
One Day, One Picture, One Shoe (ahem technically two)
Hi, welcome to my new blog, 'The Shoe Girl Diaries'. I blog about all things fashion and beauty related at Pink Haired Princess and I decided to start a new blog dedicated to my love of shoes.
For years, my friends have challenged me to wear a different pair of shoes every day to see just how many I own! I've never done it and don't really know how many pairs are in my collection. I reckon I have somewhere between 100 and 200, although I've drastically reduced this lately and am trying (it's hard) to be more selective in the shoes I buy. I don't know if I can show you all my shoes as many are in storage or if I can promise not to double up on the same pair, but I may as well try.
So each day, one picture of a different pair of shoes. Of course anyone that wants to aid my challenge by sending me new shoes is more than welcome ; )
For my LOTD Challenge (Lip of the Day) and for a more detailed look at my shoe collection including Shoe of the Week, visit PinkHairedPrincess.
Pink Haired Princess xoxo
For years, my friends have challenged me to wear a different pair of shoes every day to see just how many I own! I've never done it and don't really know how many pairs are in my collection. I reckon I have somewhere between 100 and 200, although I've drastically reduced this lately and am trying (it's hard) to be more selective in the shoes I buy. I don't know if I can show you all my shoes as many are in storage or if I can promise not to double up on the same pair, but I may as well try.
So each day, one picture of a different pair of shoes. Of course anyone that wants to aid my challenge by sending me new shoes is more than welcome ; )
For my LOTD Challenge (Lip of the Day) and for a more detailed look at my shoe collection including Shoe of the Week, visit PinkHairedPrincess.
Pink Haired Princess xoxo
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