Merry Christmas!! I hope you've all been enjoying the day. I've survived on only an hour of sleep (not because I was excited for Christmas, I just couldn't get to sleep) and had a late night and early start. I thought you might like to see a summary of our Irregular Choice '12 Shoes Of Christmas' (I made a gif thing).
Friday, 25 December 2015
Thursday, 24 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 12

Christmas Eve already and the 12th and final day of the Irregular Choice '12 Shoes Of Christmas' challenge. It's just flown by.
12 shoes of christmas
irregular choice
Wednesday, 23 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 11

Hello, how are you all? It's been a busy day for visitors and my friend is coming shortly, so I shall be quick.
12 shoes of christmas
ankle boots
concealed platform
irregular choice
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 10

Hola, what's the hap today? I've had a rather productive day, but still have tonnes on the to-do list. I'm getting there slowly.
Monday, 21 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 9

How is the run up to Christmas going for you? I feel like I'm getting somewhere now. I ordered the last couple of things on Saturday, which surprisingly arrived today (though I could've done without the early morning text when they got to the local sorting office). My cards are written and sent and my friend is coming on Wednesday night to pick up a present for her wee boy (Playmobil pirate ship) and my Auntie and Uncle during the day. Now I just have to tackle the wrapping. Might need some help on that one as my arms tire easily and I get frustrated when they start shaking and I end up in a tangle of twisted sticky tape and creased paper!
12 shoes of christmas
irregular choice
Sunday, 20 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 8
12 shoes of christmas
concealed platform
faux fur
irregular choice
Saturday, 19 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 7

Hello, sorry for the tardy post, just sneaking in before the end of the day! I've had and still have actually, a really bad migraine. I've been sitting with a migraine cooling pad thing stuck to my forehead like a numpty for the past few hours, after being forced to admit that it wasn't going to go away on it's own. I refuse to take more medication and it rarely helps anyway. I was joking with my doctor the other week that I'm well beyond the personal pill daily intake I set myself. I'm not particularly 'good' at taking pills (I remember when to take them, I just don't like it and struggle to swallow the bigger ones), I think my maximum quota used to be no more than 5 a day. Then with the iron deficiency a couple of years ago, I had a few extras to take, now I have 4 Vitamin D big buggers to swallow and now he added something else to the list, so that takes me to double my target. I was saying if the hayfever or iron comes back, I'll be looking at what I can switch out and put in it's place! My doctor is good that way, that I can muck around and laugh about it (what else can you do?) and I do realise other people have to take much more than that in a day, it's just a silly thing I set myself!
12 shoes of christmas
ankle boots
irregular choice
Friday, 18 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 6

Day 6 and we're halfway through our challenge of wearing Irregular Choice festive footwear for 12 days. Today we are both wearing the same style, in the same colour. I believe the fashion pack call this "twinning"! Not sure if that still applies when we are miles apart!
12 shoes of christmas
irregular choice
Thursday, 17 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 5

I'm having a little bit of a meltdown today. A week today, it's Christmas Eve. I don't know how that happened! I feel both November and December have just flown by. I haven't even tackled my Christmas cards yet (I have bought them, so I suppose that's something), but I've not wrapped anything, I still have something to get for my Dad and another little thing for Mum. It's supposed to be easier this year because my friends and I decided against us all sending presents (they all have children now, so I bought for the kids instead, but between 5 of them, there's 11 children). I've had a headache all week that only subsides to bring back my old pal, chest pain or sometimes I get both at once! Plus I have the usual tiredness, aches and pains, which don't go away just because it's Christmas.
12 shoes of christmas
irregular choice
mary jane
polka dot
Wednesday, 16 December 2015
Tuesday, 15 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 3

Read on to see what Tomi and I are wearing for Day 3 of our Irregular Choice '12 Shoes Of Christmas'.
12 shoes of christmas
ankle boots
irregular choice
polka dot
Monday, 14 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 2

Welcome to Day 2 of wearing festive Irregular Choice shoes! Two very different styles today, but we're both going metallic.
12 shoes of christmas
irregular choice
Sunday, 13 December 2015
12 Shoes Of Christmas - Day 1

Over the years of blogging, I've been very fortunate to meet so many wonderful people with shared interests as myself. The majority of my friends (even those I studied fashion with) think of me as a crazy shoe woman and roll their eyes if I spend any longer than a minute discussing heel heights, favourite linings, my thoughts on the latest character heel or which shoe is getting priority on my virtual wishlist for fear of selling out. So I'm extremely appreciative that I have Tomi in my life. We struck up a friendship years ago, over, you guessed it, shoes! Irregular Choice to be exact and though we've never met in real life, I really value our chats about the stresses of online shoe shopping, trying to guess future releases and also what's going on in our lives. She's the first person I want to talk to when there's exciting shoe news and we strategize and encourage each other on special release days. She's just as crazy about shoes as I am, so would never judge me for talking endlessly about them (and between us, we really do).
Tuesday, 8 December 2015
Day 1052 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: Schuh glitter Crazy courts*
Argh, what a manic week so far! I have sooo many blog posts on the go at once between here and Pink Haired Princess and I'm juggling them all, trying to prioritise which should come first because at the weekend, I have something really exciting which is going to be quite time consuming. I've been quite busy in life too...darn that's just reminded me of the outfit/shoes I was supposed to post today, I knew I'd forget something!! Well yes, I had an appointment with the doctor last week, getting told off for leaving it 6 months since my last visit, but I don't like to bother him and have nothing new to say. It went well, other than adding a new medication to my already thriving list! I took outfit photos and it was my first time wearing the shoes (I posted photos on my Instagram and Facebook), but alas I forgot about that, until now. The reason being, I was distracted by these glitter beauties which came last week.
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Day 1051 - Shoesday Tuesday

Shoes: Irregular Choice Tiny Ted
Hello lovelies. I don't have an outfit post for you this week, though I did actually wear these shoes out. I had a dentist appointment, eugh (though actually it was fine), so I thought I'd wear these as I haven't had the chance before.
faux fur
irregular choice
shoesday tuesday
The Shoe Girl Styles It: Chie Mihara Gene

This is my luxe outfit from last week as I'm running a bit behind after all the Black Friday/Cyber Monday stuff. We got snow at the weekend, did I tell you that? It was a bit out of the blue because it's been unusually mild (up until last week). I figured it wouldn't lie because it was raining at the same time and the ground was soaking, but then I blinked and the whole street was white. As we're on the coast we don't usually get it as often or as bad as inland, but it appears this time we did. It was so cold it quickly turned to ice after going slushy, so was rather treacherous yesterday I believe.
the shoe girl styles it
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