Yesterday it came to my attention that my blog, Pink Haired Princess was appearing in the google search engine with the note 'this site may harm your computer'. It is believed there is some sort of malware or phishing threat on my blog. To my knowledge, all my links are 'official' (don't worry I'm not scamming you) and therefore the only other explanation is that my account/site has been hacked and codes possibly inserted onto my site without my knowledge. This is most disconcerting and I would never wish to endanger my readers computer files and/or personal information.
The whole situation can get a bit 'techy' for me, but this type of hacking is something that is commonplace among the world wide web. Until Google and I can safely verify that my account and blog are safe to use, there will be no more posting until then. Although it appears to only be Pink Haired Princess that is at risk (please do not try to visit it until I let you know), The Shoe Girl Diaries and Pink Haired Princess Shop will also remain suspended. I believe I have done all I can up to this point, so I am just awaiting the response of GoogleWebmasters. We just have to hope that it is an error that can be easily rectified.
I put a lot of hard work into my blog and spend many hours compiling and researching posts for a core of loyal readers that I have built up. It's really upsetting to have all that come to an abrupt end by something that's outwith my control. I don't claim to be super knowledgable when it comes to computers but I do pride myself on trying to be 'safe' and avoid dangerous threats (such as unknown emails, links etc). I do not take risks when it comes to that and you shouldn't either. That said, I hope I can get back writing soon and this horrible mess will all be over. Thank you for your continued support and sorry for the inconvenience.
*update, my blog has been deleted this morning, but this seems to be some sort of problem with blogger, as I've found many in the same situation (yes, I'm trying not to go into major panic mode). Obviously I can't rectify my site when I can't access it, so I'm stuck for now. I've got computer tech lingo coming out of my ears at the moment but don't even know if I know how to fix the issue when I do get back to my site. If anyone has any ideas or wants to email me about anything (I miss you), you can still do so at*
Friday, 14 August 2009
Thursday, 13 August 2009
Day Twenty Seven - On My Tractor
My nephew told me I had to put on shoes to play on the (imaginary) tractor. So these were the first pair I could grab. Do you think I'd make a good farmer in them? He seemed pleased enough anyway.
New Look gold metallic and cork peep-toe slingbacks
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Day Twenty Six - And Then Came The Rain
I was prepared for a sunny walk today, but then the heavens opened and boy did it pour! Apparently there's trouble on the roads caused by flash flooding in the area, although it's unusually warm and sunny inbetween downpours. So I didn't venture out, I stayed put and tried to rearrange my room a little, I didn't get very far with it. I did discover these sandals though, which were hidding on top of my wardrobe. They're a little roomy (a size bigger than I usually take), I can't remember if they always have been. They have the most amazingly plush, super thick cushioned interior though.
Dusky pink 'Princess Lilani' shoes by Irregular Choice
concealed platform
irregular choice
peep toes
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Day Twenty Five - It's Not So Good
This morning it rained, so I decided not to venture out anywhere. By this afternoon though, the sun was out and I changed my mind and headed out for a quick walk. These tights look absolutely hideous on camera (I hope they don't look so bad in real life). I was wearing a navy dress with little orange, green and white flecks on it, so wore these green shoes with it. They look kinda more teal here though, all in all, not a good photo day!
Blue floral tights Primark
Green split shoe boots Matalan
Green split shoe boots Matalan
Monday, 10 August 2009
Day Twenty Four - Lazy Lace
Not feeling like doing very much today, just doing what I can, when I can. On an exciting note, my parents are on holiday and called to say they found a pair of shoes they thought I'd love. I'm pretty dodgy with sizing these days, so left it up to Mum (you know how you can tell if a shoe looks like a 'small size 5' etc?), she's pretty good at that (I've trained her well!). Apparently they are similar to the J-Lo shoes I bought the other week, but in bright blue. I also ordered Faith Laccey boots at long last. They have eventually added them to the sale and seeing as I've been lusting after them since I first saw them and there were only 3 pairs left, I just had to get them.
New Look nude and black lace peep-toes
Sunday, 9 August 2009
Day Twenty-Three - A Little Sunshine in my Heart
Yellow isn't a colour I often wear. However I have on a yellow/brown floral dress and decided to go all-out with my Vivienne Westwood lemon coloured heels. The weather doesn't look too promising now, after a bright start, so I'm bringing some sunshine in my outfit!
Vivienne Westwood Anglomania/Melissa Lady Dragon lemon peep-toes with black heart
ASOS high-shine leggings
ASOS high-shine leggings
peep toes
vivienne westwood anglomania
Saturday, 8 August 2009
Friday, 7 August 2009
Day Twenty-One - Get Naked
Thursday, 6 August 2009
Day Twenty - Hot and Bothered
I'm getting all in a tizzy today. My gorgeous MAC order arrived this morning (yay) and my Dorothy Perkins too, but the trousers are too big (boo). I have tonnes of photos to take for Pink Haired Princess including my haul from Tuesday, but I'm struggling to get the right lighting and the whole editing process takes sooo long (plus I already have a backlog of swatch pics). It's so hot today (I'm not complaining), but there are lots of bugs around, including those pesky little corn flies which just get everywhere-so I decided against going out for my walk as I'd just be itching all day. I'm also growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of space in my bedroom, I barely have room to take pictures of my feet (as you can see)!
That aside, I'm wearing nude, strappy heels from Dorothy Perkins and yes, my legs really are that white (or blue!).
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Day Nineteen - Tartan, But Not For Long
I've been running behind today after sleeping in. I had breakfast at 12 o'clock, a shower at lunchtime, lunch later in the afternoon and then rushed to take this pic for the blog. So technically I'm not wearing these shoes, as I'm not even going out the house and only put them on for the pic-but I couldn't leave you with nothing! They are really old shoes, as you can see they are well worn and not a day goes by that someone doesn't stop me in the street and ask where I got them and how nice they are.
I actually have a funny story about these shoes. My friend and I had job interviews in London when we were at Uni. So we flew down from Scotland for the day and I wore these shoes. Of course my feet decided to swell up during the journey and after wriggling my shoes off mid-flight, I could barely get them back on when we landed. My friend had her interview first, so I trawled halfway along Oxford Street trying to find a new pair of shoes (bearing in mind I was a student and had hardly any money). I couldn't find a cheap pair, so headed back to Edgware Road and into McDonalds (by this time I was in serious pain), to apply the few plasters I had in my bag. So I decided I had to go barefoot. I had on longish, wide legged trousers, and if I tip-toed (which I always do in bare feet), you couldn't really see I had no shoes on. But barefoot in the middle of London? Yuck! Anyway, we ended up finding a cute little shop just around the corner that had the most comfortable, backless shoes, that matched my outfit and cost under £20. So in the end I was able to go to my interview without too much pain and got a lovely brand new pair of shoes too! I was so worried the tartan pair would never fit again, but after a few weeks I braved wearing them once more!
Pointed tartan shoes, Faith Solo.
I actually have a funny story about these shoes. My friend and I had job interviews in London when we were at Uni. So we flew down from Scotland for the day and I wore these shoes. Of course my feet decided to swell up during the journey and after wriggling my shoes off mid-flight, I could barely get them back on when we landed. My friend had her interview first, so I trawled halfway along Oxford Street trying to find a new pair of shoes (bearing in mind I was a student and had hardly any money). I couldn't find a cheap pair, so headed back to Edgware Road and into McDonalds (by this time I was in serious pain), to apply the few plasters I had in my bag. So I decided I had to go barefoot. I had on longish, wide legged trousers, and if I tip-toed (which I always do in bare feet), you couldn't really see I had no shoes on. But barefoot in the middle of London? Yuck! Anyway, we ended up finding a cute little shop just around the corner that had the most comfortable, backless shoes, that matched my outfit and cost under £20. So in the end I was able to go to my interview without too much pain and got a lovely brand new pair of shoes too! I was so worried the tartan pair would never fit again, but after a few weeks I braved wearing them once more!
faith solo
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Day Eighteen - On the Run
Sorry it's a bit of a rushed pic today. I had a fabulous time shopping, well apart from the overcrowded bus, slow old peeps and crazy, running schoolkids! Really needed to get out of the house after my sis and I were overrun with 12 moths in our bathroom last night, how gross is that? Plus a spider (the 2nd) in my bedroom and my Mum and Dad (the official 'beastie catchers') are on holiday, eeek!
Black snake effect gladiator sandals Oli
Monday, 3 August 2009
Day Seventeen - Stay Steady
Wow, it's super sunny again today, although really windy. I was almost blown off my feet during my walk. I'm really excited about tomorrow, because I'm going shopping to a big Boots store for lots of fabulous beauty bargains. I have tonnes of Advantage Card points, so may well use some to treat myself. So expect a later than usual post tomorrow.
Floral court shoes New Look
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Day Sixteen - It's Gettin' Hot in Here!
Wow it's really hot and sunny today. Decided to wear the most suitable sandals I could find for such a day. I love the shimmering aqua colour, big bows and the little gold charms jangle when I walk!

Miss Sixty aqua sandals
Miss Sixty aqua sandals
miss sixty
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Day Fifteen - Flash, ahahh!
My green floral dress has a splash of pink in it, so I accessorised with bright pink shoe boots today, funky! My toe nail polish kept squeaking against the shoes which was irritating, although it meant my sister and I could imitate the meerkat 'simples, squeak' all day long!!!
ASOS bright pink shoe boots
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