I'm really excited for TSGSI this week because I've gone for full-on fancy dress. Last week, I had Halloween themed items, but this time I thought I'd provide a little costume inspiration for the weekend. You have so many options with fancy-dress these days; there's a plethora of ready to wear 'bought' costumes, you can go down the crafty route and make your own or you can find perfectly suitable dress-ups from items you already own and/or can buy a few pieces of ordinary clothing and accessories that can be worn throughout the year, but when combined make the perfect Halloween outfit. I've gone for the latter, as I like a bit of a challenge and my first look is Cruella DeVille from 101 Dalmatians. I have to admit as much as I'm against animal cruelty, real fur and killing cute puppies for coats, that woman is one of my fashion icons! She always looks so chic with the furs and LBD's and animal prints. I'll have you know I won a prize for my Cruella costume at the school Halloween disco, some 17 years ago!