Shoes: Yellow tiger court shoes Moschino Cheap & Chic
Now that I've shown you all my Alice shoes, it's time for an oldish OOTD post! I've just checked back my photo albums and these images were taken around 4 months ago. They might seem a little familiar, because I shared some photos on my
Instagram and
Facebook at the time. As you know, I don't get out much these days, but I believe I was going for blood tests at the hospital this day (exciting stuff). I'm noting my tactic of wearing something to distract me from the needle! I ended up bruised after this one actually, probably because the tourniquet was on for half a day. Honestly, it took
forever as she tried (in vain!) to find a vein (not happening) and in the end just went in blind. I was probably asleep from boredom by this point. The more often they struggle with my veins, the more anxious I'm becoming about blood tests. I like to know they are going straight in, confidently and not dithering about, wiggling the needle or taking it out and trying again, just do it already!