After my
mega post last week, with three looks for the one pair of shoes, I've decided that this would be a better approach for TSGSI every week, if you agree? I've been doing this feature each week for more than 18 months now, so I feel it's time to change it up a little. Just a warning if you wonder why the same post/image pops up in your news feed several times this week-they are different posts! Time permitting, I'm not going to throw all the looks into one post, they'll still be spread out throughout the week as they used to be, but will include at least one outfit that is plus size, one high street and one high end. The only downside is less shoes to style (and for you to see), but there's loads to outweigh that, like actually seeing how a pair of shoes could work for any budget or size. I used to always keep expensive shoes for the high end look and cheaper shoes for my high-street outfits, so instead I'll be mixing it up by choosing a designer pair next week with an inexpensive outfit etc It's probably more realistic that way and certainly more in line with how
I'd wear them, which was the whole point of the posts (er, yeah it's in the title). In saying that, I sometimes struggled to find the perfect items for one look, now I need 3 or 4, so it might be a little trickier at times (but that's good that I push myself...well, it's not rocket science, but you know what I mean)! I'll probably make up all the looks for the week at once as it'll be easier for me to keep one as casual, one more formal etc. You probably didn't need to know that bit, but ok, onto the shoes.