I'm sorry it's been months since my last post, but I am determined to finish this today! Then we can hopefully move onto something new. Health-wise things are just the same, so there will be no full outfit posts in the near future, but I can't put into words how much I'm missing blogging here. I
really am. I miss the blogging part, more than the outfit and shoe wearing itself! I was thinking of returning to my old type of post with a photo of the shoes and info about them in the meantime? Is this something you'd like to see, maybe once a week or so? I don't want to leave the blog in limbo, so am trying to come up with something manageable for me, to fill the time until I'm feeling better. Let me know in the comments and thanks for sticking by me thus far. Anyway onto the final part of last year, October to December.
October 2013

Lots of different things going on in October. Colour, texture, print, frills, glitter and embellishments.

My faded pink hair made way for an ace period of bright blue. Blue isn't a favourite colour of mine, but I just adored this colour on my hair, it was so vivid and fun. I was still keen to wear flowers in my hair while the weather was nice and I'm loving that peachy blush.

It was pretty much dress+cardi throughout October (well isn't it always). The times I strayed from that were definitely my favourites though.

Everyone loves these Carvela 'Antibes' courts and why not? They are over the top girly with their pink glitter and I loved the contrast against my newly blue hair and blue/pink floral dress that day. This post has over 300 notes on Tumblr and even now (8 months on) it still gets liked and reblogged, which amazes me.

I don't wear my Rosy courts very often (Irregular Choice by Rosanna Gault), either because I forget or they are well hidden in my room, not sure which! They
are lovely though, with their giant heart heel cut-out and fresh looking stripes.

do wear my Chuckles (Irregular Choice) a lot though. I never imagined how much I'd fall in love with the actual shoe, because although I love the idea of the heel, I'm not particularly mad on gnomes. However I think it's the bright colours against the black that make these stand out and they just work so well in my wardrobe.

A similar story with these (Moschino Cheap & Chic) shoes. That gorgeous fluffy red heart against the plain black peep-toe is so simple and striking. This is definitely another favourite outfit of mine-I just love every bit of it. It's "old-school" for me, as this is how I used to dress in my early 20's. I think it was my first time wearing the beautiful leopard print cardigan (Julien Macdonald at Debenhams) and the Mickey & Minnie Mouse tattoo tights from Primark just brought the whole look together and made it a little more feisty than a regular pencil skirt outfit. This was another popular look on Tumblr.

Another great outfit, but completely different from the last one is this Primark tartan dress with my Irregular Choice 'Flashing Lights' boots. I went all the way to Edinburgh to track down this dress (well actually the Blackwatch tartan version that I haven't worn yet). My sister thinks I look like a Summer Bay school student and my Mum thinks I'm Annie! I'm not usually a tartan fan, but I
do think this dress is cool, especially 'punked' up a little with boots.

looooved my makeup this day. That bright turquoise Lancome pencil against my blue hair is so bold. Plus sometimes the more simple outfits (hello £8 Primark dress) work brilliantly when teamed with statement accessories like this (rude) pony Topshop necklace and Irregular Choice 'Dolly Mixture' shoes. I wish I'd noticed the horse head was stuck down my dress for the photos though!

Same applies to this. I've worn this H by Henry Holland dress loads, but revamped it with a wide Swan by Clements Ribeiro belt and Irregular Choice 'Petrisha' shoes. Loved my hair this day!

Another £8 Primark dress that looked great with black tights, Bailey (KG by Kurt Geiger) embellished satin courts and brightened with a red patent belt. It's not often I wear something so 'short' without leggings and along with the tartan dress, it was twice in one month!

The contrast between my hair in this month-brilliant!
November 2013

Not many shoes in November. I think that's because I went to Edinburgh (2 months running) and it was a big trip for me and knackered me for the rest of the month. With hindsight I can look back on this and see that I was pushing myself a lot and it's probably why I've ended up so ill again.

The blue started to fade and lightened to a turquoise colour. Makeup wise I was still enjoying that gorgeous peachy blush from last month.

Longer length dresses and tights seemed to make an impact this month. Nothing overly exciting jumping out at me though.

Irregular Choice "Pat's Picnic", always a favourite, there's just so much to look at!

I'll never tire of these Terry de Havilland 'Ella' beauties either.

I like shoes that work in winter
or summer and these look just as good with bare legs as they do with thick tights. Irregular Choice 'Kitty Princess'.

Well of course this ASOS wiggle dress was going to feature in my favourites this month. It's no wonder, I've purchased it in every fabric, print and colour that fits! This outfit was for a trip to see The Lion King in Edinburgh and so I wanted to wear pieces that I'd be comfortable in. I spent the whole day answering questions about my shoes and literally couldn't take two steps without being stopped or stared at. It was actually rather nice as I don't get out often and there was most definitely a lot of interaction that day! I always figure in a big city, nobody will look twice as it's busy and they must see people in more outlandish dress all the time, but actually in the small town I come from, the locals seem to be accustomed to me and don't stare too much now!

I didn't get very good photos of this outfit, but it was quite pretty. The star print dress is an old favourite from Pearl Lowe at Peacocks with House of Holland tights and these divine Miu Miu embellished courts.

A similar look with this 'Celia' dress from Swan by Clements Ribeiro with HoH star tights and fabulously high, wine, patent 'Active' Carvela mary-janes. My Limited Edition Primark hairband also had a starring role throughout these months.

I kinda like this because my hair is such an odd shade of blue here. It's light but
so bright and I don't think it looked like that any other day.

Smokey eyes and nude lips, my favourite look. Another LE Primark hairband here.

On the rare occasion I stray from my beloved nude lip, I actually quite like the look. Although I often feel darker, vampy lips translate better in photos than they do on me in real life.

Why does the top of my arm look like it's the size of a child's wrist here? Odd angle clearly! I picked this photo because even
I have days when my hair is a mess and I'm not feeling particularly like getting
really dressed up. Beanie hat on and I'm hardly 'grunge', but it's a more relaxed look than normal.
December 2013

It was December, how could I not wear my Santa heels? I spent the weekend away in Glasgow, so I solely wore those shoes. There was gold and glitz inbetween.

It was all change for the hair again with a violet purple this time. I'm laughing to myself, because this was the last time I dyed it. So it's now 7 months of natural regrowth, faded pink in the middle, then white at the ends. Pretty amazing considering it's a 'temporary' shade.

Lots of pretty dresses this month.

Hotel carpet! My 'Dreamy' (Irregular Choice) Santa heels lasted three outfit changes and the first two days of December, during my trip to Glasgow. Pretty good going considering I hadn't trial-worn them yet. I'm not big on the shoe itself (no fan of velvet or the style), but that heel is the cheeriest wee fella you ever did see. Proof came when this total 'bah-humbug' dude was all 'deck the halls' when he stood behind me on the bus steps and could see my heels in all their glory. Random strangers telling you how your shoes have made their day or cheered them up is just too cool. Plus 5ive totally loved them. Everybody Get Up!

Ahh the Luella shoes I've lusted after for years, finally and rather randomly became mine. It all felt a little too good to be true, but they arrived and were just as perfect as I imagined. Purple, lilac and orange (sounds hideous) with heart shaped details including the cutest ever heel cut-out, have definitely found their way into my heart. Worn here with my ballerina printed Pearl Lowe tea-dress and yet more purple (tights)!

I've had this Grace (Swan by Clements Ribeiro) dress for years but this was the first time I wore it. I felt great in it and although the fit could be better (it's snug around the chest but quite baggy on the waist and hips), it's just lovely. I accessorised with a gold elephant belt (ASOS), House of Holland leopard fishnets and of course my Santa heels.

Wow, I'm looking at this thinking I've put on a helluva weight since I've been 'inactive'! Anyway, my trustee Primark pencil skirt had a ton of gorgeous new tops to work with. Here it is with an adorable Ariel and Eric, kissing the girl tank by Hot Topic...

...and with a festive Barbie T from Primark (with modified neckline because I choke in high necks on t-shirts) and another Limited Edition item from Primark, this jewelled perspex necklace.

I like this photo because when I take FOTD's at home, I tend to have the flash on or else it's too dark. However I took advantage of the relatively bright winter light in the hotel room and this is without the flash. it makes my hair colour look really vivid (and my face look 3 shades darker than my chest, so ignore that part).

I look weird here, don't I? It's the fringe or the eyebrows or something. Boyish? I'm not actually sure that's possible on me, but anyway this dress tends to look terrible with other hair colours, but absolutely divine with purple (or at least this shade of it). The makeup is simple but quite pretty.

I didn't get too many decent photos on Christmas Day because we were rushing to get through to my sisters house. This dress wasn't in my outfit faves because I felt I didn't quite do it justice that time. However I did like my makeup here and my hair always looks cute with that sparkly clasp my sister got me for my birthday.
Are you impressed? We've finished!! I hope you've enjoyed this look back over the shoes, hair, makeup and outfits of 2013. I've loved it because I can see things that didn't work so well or things I need to try more of. I was going to say if I do the same in 2015, I'll need to start organising the post sooner, but there's only been a handful of outfits so far this year with my health being so bad, so maybe it won't take long at all. It blows, because I miss getting dressed up and I'm repeating myself, but I really miss blogging about it too. So what were your favourites? Do you like the pink, blue or purple hair? My Disney tights, pencil skirt, leopard cardigan and Moschino heart shoes was my fave look.