Shoes: Irregular Choice gold Tatsu
Hello, another week and another new Irregular Choice release! I keep saying it, but this season has just been tremendous so far. I'll be paying my Mum back for all these until Easter, but she knows I'm good for it! I actually spent the weekend eBaying more stuff. I have all these fabulous winter coats I bought before I lost weight and none of them fit now. Mostly unworn too, so getting rid of them will free up space and pay for some of these shoes. I went shopping last week and the clothes in the shops are dire. Absolutely nothing took my fancy, so I'm nowhere near replacing all the stuff I'm getting rid of. I'm still finding more items in my wardrobe that have become too big (don't know why because I haven't lost weight in months-the novelty of being able to eat chocolate and cakes still hasn't worn off since my operation)! So I keep adding to the sale pile, but never buy any new clothes. I think I prefer shopping online with boutique brands to the stuff on the high street nowadays. At this rate I'll be naked and poor but with pretty shoes on my feet. Hmm, what a thought! I really wasn't feeling up to eBaying and boy did those coats weigh a ton, it was hard, physical work photographing and measuring them, but it's done and hopefully they sell. Anyway, back to the shoes and it's a brand new heel concept, which I'm really excited about.