Ah yes, you read that right, TSGSI is back! I never intended to 'stop' it, nor did I expect the unanticipated break to last quite so long. January was my last post and I never finished that trio. I hate that, but I need to learn to be a little easier on myself and less strict about things. I got ill(er), life got in the way, stuff came up, I lost motivation, there, the world didn't end. Actually I even started these sets over a month ago and procrastinated so much (maybe I lost some confidence in my abilities after such a long hiatus), that I had to really force myself to publish this today or I feared I never would. I had a pretty rotten week last week, nothing bad happened, I just lost focus, felt really down about everything and anti-social (hence the lack of social media updates). I get like that sometimes. Probably because I get frustrated about being ill and not being able to do anything about it and although day to day I cope pretty well with that, it does come up to the surface and bubble over occasionally. My life is far from perfect, but it could be a lot worse, so I'm feeling more ready for the week ahead and hoping after this post I'm inspired for blogging this week. I have missed these posts and I do catch myself thinking "ooh, they'd be good shoes to style or that would go well with...", so I guess it was only natural I would come back to TSGSI.