Hello, hope you're all cosied up on this cold, wintry night. It's beginning to feel more like winter and the Christmas panic has set in already, that I may not be organised in time! I know it's a month away, but November sped past and there's the dreaded card writing and wrapping to come! I have an appointment next week then that'll likely be me for the rest of the year, I shan't be out. That might sound strange, but after a couple of years of only getting out once every couple of months or so, I'm used to it. We were supposed to be spending Christmas with my sister and her family like we do (every alternate year), however we've had to improvise this time, as I won't be able for the short journey. The thought of getting to spend all day in my jammies, despite doing that every day, is most appealing I have to say! Anyway, this outfit, I suppose could be Christmas party inspired, it's my plus size look of the week.