Monday, 19 August 2013

Day 918 - All This Time We Were Waiting For Each Other

Shoes: Green suede 'Dolly Mixture' Irregular Choice 

I'm back into the swing of things today, after feeling a bit bleugh this weekend. I felt sleepy, weak and nauseous, so none of those things bode well with blogging and getting dressed! I'm feeling much better now and decided that it was time for Monster High Monday to come back! Having my nephews here every Monday during the school holidays meant that I had no time to get dressed or do makeup. However, I had the house to myself today and although I was a little rusty, I got stuck in. I'm still getting used to the new hair colour as well so there was an added challenge with that. I've also been mega guilty of being stuck in a rut makeup wise (a good rut really because I like what I've been doing), but a rut nonetheless, so doing anything other than a smudged eye line felt weird!  Anyway I think I'll finish the MHM post tomorrow as I've been too busy tonight and think I'm gonna start watching that Under The Dome thing on Channel 5 (only thing putting me off is that new Detective from CSI: NY is in it and I've taken a huge instant dislike to her)!  

Wearing: Ballerina print dress Pearl Lowe at Peacocks, leggings Primark.
Fit: True to size, 3 1/4" heel.
Comfort: No issues with these.


  1. I love your dress, its so cute! Shoes go perfectly x

  2. love the dress and shoes together :)

  3. Just came across your blog, and I have total shoe envy! I love these quirky little cuties, especially. And your smoky plum make-up! This fall, I'm buying plum lipstick, and I'm wearing it!...(having never worn lipstick and having the palest complexion ever on which plum lipstick will probably look terrible, but I don't care. I love it. And I'm doing it.) I'll keep checking back! :-)

    1. Aw thank you very much. Well I'm very pale too and sometimes feel a bit iffy in dark lipstick, other times I just go for it!


Thank you for your shoeaholic love!!

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